Kuna selle sviitri sai endale tütar, siis otsustasin, et teen veel ühe. Selliseid võib olla mitu erinevatest lõngadest. Seekord on kahe lõnga segu: puuvillane Drops Loves You 7 (100 g/170 m) ja peenvillane Haapsalu (Midara, 100 g/1400 m).
As my daughter got this sweater, I decided to make one more. I could have several of those in different yarns. This time it is a combination of two yarns: cotton Drops Loves You 7 (100 g/170 m) and laceweight wool Haapsalu (Midara, 100 g/1400 m).
Esimene pilt on välguga, värv on siin kõige täpsem.
The first picture is with the flash light and the colour is rendered most truely here.
Kaks lõnga.
The two yarns.
Mida võib selle kohta öelda? Püüan üldistada. Üks on n-ö põhilõng (on jämedam) ja peenike lõng kaaslaseks, võib olla suurem värvikontast ka. Põhilõng võiks olla midagi 100 g/350-550 m, villane või sokilõng või hoopis mohäär (meriinode ja alpakadega on mul piiratud kogemus). Reljeefne muster: patent, poolpatent, pärlkude, igasugu parem- ja pahempidiste vaheldused, soonikud vms.
What can one say about this? I am trying to generralize. One is the main yarn (the thicker one) and the thin yarn is a companion, you can use a deeper colour contrast. The main yarn can be something like 100 g/350-550 m, wool or sock yarn or mohair (I have a limited experience with merino and alpaca). Textured pattern: patent, half-patent, moss stitch, various knit-purl combinations, ribbings etc.
pühapäev, 30. oktoober 2016
reede, 28. oktoober 2016
Sall valmis/The scarf is finished
Sall on valmis. Mõnevõra venis pikkusesse, aga mitte väga. Laius on sama. Tõsine villane ja üsna soe. Korralikud pildid kunagi hiljem.
The scarf is finished. It stretched somewhat in the length but not too much. The width is the same. It is a no-nonsense wool and quite warm. Proper pictures later.
The scarf is finished. It stretched somewhat in the length but not too much. The width is the same. It is a no-nonsense wool and quite warm. Proper pictures later.
kolmapäev, 26. oktoober 2016
Sall kahest villasest lõngast/A scarf from two types of wool
Selles postituses kirjutasin Haani lõngast. Koon salli. Lõng on kohati jämedam ja kohati peenem, aga see ei häiri. Alustasin teravast otsast, kasvatasin, siis kudusin sirgelt. Nüüd on jälle käes kahanduste sektsioon. Järel on väike lõngakera. Mõtlesin, et koon nüüd musta Aade Lõng 8/3. Hall las ootab. Hiljem hangin veel musta 8/3 kaaslaseks ja teen teise konstruktsiooniga rätiku.
In this post I wrote about Haani wool. I am making a scarf. The yarn is uneven, sometimes thinner and sometimes thicker but this does not bother me. I started from the pointed end and increased, then worked the straight section. Now it is time for the decrease section. I have a small ball of yarn remaining. I thought that now I would use black Aade Lõng 8/3. The grey yarn should wait. I will get some black 8/3 later as a companion and make a shawl with a different construction.
Väga huvitav, kuidas lõng käitub pärast pesu. Väga võimalik, et juhtub nagu juhtus siin.
It is interesting how this yarn behave after washing. It is entirely possible that the outcome will be like here.
In this post I wrote about Haani wool. I am making a scarf. The yarn is uneven, sometimes thinner and sometimes thicker but this does not bother me. I started from the pointed end and increased, then worked the straight section. Now it is time for the decrease section. I have a small ball of yarn remaining. I thought that now I would use black Aade Lõng 8/3. The grey yarn should wait. I will get some black 8/3 later as a companion and make a shawl with a different construction.
Väga huvitav, kuidas lõng käitub pärast pesu. Väga võimalik, et juhtub nagu juhtus siin.
It is interesting how this yarn behave after washing. It is entirely possible that the outcome will be like here.
esmaspäev, 24. oktoober 2016
Jalle ripsiga poolpatent/Half-patent with garter stitch again
Kudusin valmis sokilõngast sviitri. Aga eri tootjate sokilõngad erinevad, kuigi koostis ja metraaž võib olla sama. Pärast niisutamist venis sviiter pikkusesse, kusjuures laius on säilinud. Võis muidugi oma 15-20 cm alt ära harutada, aga tütar tuli Tallinna, pakkusin talle. Talle sobis. Siin ei loe pikkus ega rinnaümbermõõt, vaid pigem kehakuju ja välimuse "laeng". Tema seljas polnud liiga pikk ja sobis kenasti. Nii et mul on ettekääne jälle kududa selline sviiter. See mall meeldib mulle väga. Kristiina, tänan piltide eest!
I made this sweater from sockyarn. But sockyarns by different manufactures have different qualities, albeit fiber composition and metrage may be the same. After moistening the sweater stretched in the length, while perserving its width. Of course I could rip 15-20 cm from the bottom but my daughter came to Tallinn and I offered the sweater to her. It fitted fine. It is not so much about height and bust circumference but rather about body shape and "load" one's appearance has. It was not too long for her and was quite sutiable. So I have a pretext to knit this sweater once again. I love this pattern a lot. Kristiina, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Hot Socks (Gründl), 50 g/210 m, ~ 225 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 5 mm
I made this sweater from sockyarn. But sockyarns by different manufactures have different qualities, albeit fiber composition and metrage may be the same. After moistening the sweater stretched in the length, while perserving its width. Of course I could rip 15-20 cm from the bottom but my daughter came to Tallinn and I offered the sweater to her. It fitted fine. It is not so much about height and bust circumference but rather about body shape and "load" one's appearance has. It was not too long for her and was quite sutiable. So I have a pretext to knit this sweater once again. I love this pattern a lot. Kristiina, thanks for the pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Hot Socks (Gründl), 50 g/210 m, ~ 225 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 5 mm
laupäev, 22. oktoober 2016
Teistmoodi/In a different manner
Kudusin ja kudusin ja siis äkki nägin, et äär, kus teen kahandusi, on liiga pinges. Tekib suur vahe ääre ja võrgulise koepinna tiheduse vahel. Isegi kui teha lisa õhksilmus ja pärast jooksma lasta, ei aita see suurt midagi. Koepind hakkab mullitama. Tegelikult on näha pildil, mida näitasin paar päeva varem.
I was knitting away and suddenly realized that the edge where decreases are placed is too tense. There is a great difference in tension between the edge and the mesh body of the shawl. Even if I do an additional yarnover that is slipped later, it does not help a lot. The fabric is bubbling. Actually, you can see it in the picture I showed a couple of days earlier.
Mida teha? Lõng on suhteliselt jäme. Kui lõng ei taha niisugust konstruktsiooni, siis tuleb otsida, mida ta tahab. Alustasin uuesti. On tuttav võrgumuster, aga pisut teistsugune, kui varem.
What should I do? The yarn is relatively thick. If the yarn does not like this construction, it is necessary to look for something it likes. I started all over again. It is a familiar mesh pattern but slightly different from what I have used so far.
Praegu paistab, et on korras.
Now it looks fine.
I was knitting away and suddenly realized that the edge where decreases are placed is too tense. There is a great difference in tension between the edge and the mesh body of the shawl. Even if I do an additional yarnover that is slipped later, it does not help a lot. The fabric is bubbling. Actually, you can see it in the picture I showed a couple of days earlier.
Mida teha? Lõng on suhteliselt jäme. Kui lõng ei taha niisugust konstruktsiooni, siis tuleb otsida, mida ta tahab. Alustasin uuesti. On tuttav võrgumuster, aga pisut teistsugune, kui varem.
What should I do? The yarn is relatively thick. If the yarn does not like this construction, it is necessary to look for something it likes. I started all over again. It is a familiar mesh pattern but slightly different from what I have used so far.
Praegu paistab, et on korras.
Now it looks fine.
neljapäev, 20. oktoober 2016
Rätiku algus/The beginning of the shawl
Mõtlesin tükk aega, mis konstruktsiooniga rätikut või salli tahta. Kuna mul on siiski raske täpselt hinnata lõnga metraaži, siis valisin venitatud kolmnurga kuju. Kui teha tavalisi auke (õhksilmus, 2 kokku vms), siis tundus üsna robustne. Aga võrgu muster sobis. Mõtlesin välja, kuidas sobitada muster kasvatuste ja kahandustega. Aiman juba ette, et Raasiku Aade Lõng 8/2 oleks väga sobiv.
I was thinking it over and over, what construction to use for a shawl or a scarf. While I still cannot precisely estimate the metrage, I opted for the stretched triangle shape. The fabric felt too unrefined when doing usual eyelets (yarnover, knit 2 together etc). But this mesh stitch appeared nice. I figured out how to adjust the pattern with increases and decreases. My educated guess is that Aade Lõng 8/2 (by Raasiku factory) would be quite appropriate.
Vardad 5,5 mm. Niisutasin kergelt proovilapi, kude muutub pehmemaks ja avaneb. Kindlasti tuleb rätik korralikult pesta, sest lõngal on vabriku lõhn juures (umbes nagu Raasiku lõngadel).
Needles 5.5 mm. I slightly moistened the swatch and the fabric gets softer and opens up. Without doubts the shawl should be washed thorougly because the yarn has a factory smell (similar to Raasiku yarns).
I was thinking it over and over, what construction to use for a shawl or a scarf. While I still cannot precisely estimate the metrage, I opted for the stretched triangle shape. The fabric felt too unrefined when doing usual eyelets (yarnover, knit 2 together etc). But this mesh stitch appeared nice. I figured out how to adjust the pattern with increases and decreases. My educated guess is that Aade Lõng 8/2 (by Raasiku factory) would be quite appropriate.
Vardad 5,5 mm. Niisutasin kergelt proovilapi, kude muutub pehmemaks ja avaneb. Kindlasti tuleb rätik korralikult pesta, sest lõngal on vabriku lõhn juures (umbes nagu Raasiku lõngadel).
Needles 5.5 mm. I slightly moistened the swatch and the fabric gets softer and opens up. Without doubts the shawl should be washed thorougly because the yarn has a factory smell (similar to Raasiku yarns).
mustrid/stitch patterns,
teisipäev, 18. oktoober 2016
Veel kruiisi pilte/Some more cruise pictures
Sain nüüd veel kruiisi pilte, näitan. Tore on ühispilt, kus kõik, kes olid rätiku valmis saanud või alles alustanud, said poseerida.
I've got some more cruies pictures, here they are. I like the picture where all are present who had finished the shawl or had managed to start at least.
Muidu on veel selliseid uudiseid, et varsti hakkame Ravelrys kuduma poolpatendis rätikut. Ja üks sviiter sai just valmis.
By the way, there is some news: we shall start a half-patent stitch shawl KAL on Ravelry. And I've just got a sweater finished.
I've got some more cruies pictures, here they are. I like the picture where all are present who had finished the shawl or had managed to start at least.
Muidu on veel selliseid uudiseid, et varsti hakkame Ravelrys kuduma poolpatendis rätikut. Ja üks sviiter sai just valmis.
By the way, there is some news: we shall start a half-patent stitch shawl KAL on Ravelry. And I've just got a sweater finished.
pühapäev, 16. oktoober 2016
Villane lõng Haanjast/Wool from Haanja
Facebooki Käsitöö rühma kaudu sain teada, et Haanjas on Haani-nimeline firma, mille omanikud peavad lambaid (Kihnu tõug) ja lasevad villa kedrata Süvahavva vabrikus Põlva maakonnas. Sealsed masinad on üle saja aasta vanad. Lõng tuleb naturaalsetes toonides. Kirjutasin kohe peremehele. Metraaži kohta ei osanud ta öelda, aga lõng on kahekordne ja partiid võivad omavahel erineda. Tellinsin 100 g musta ja 100 g tumehalli. Reede õhtul saatis ta paki teele ja laupäeval sain kätte.
Through Facebook Käsitöö (Handicraft) group I learned that there is a small firm Haani (text in Estonian) in Haanja where the owners grow sheep (the Kihnu breed) and get the wool spun at Süvvahavva wool factory in Põlva county. I wrote to the owner. He could not specify the metrage but the yarn is 2 ply and it slightly varies from lot to lot. I ordered 100 g of black and 100 g of dark-grey. He sent the package on Friday and I got it on Saturday.
Sellised lõngad. Mitte must, vaid hästi külm pruun. Hall on pigem keskimne. On nagu on, sest lambalt ei saa värvi täpselt tellida. Aga pole midagi, võib ka ära värvida, kui on vaja.
These are the yarns. Not black but quite cold brown. The grey one is rather middle than dark grey. We have what we have because you cannot order a particular shade from a sheep. No problem, if needed, it is possible to dye the yarn.
Arvasin, et lõng jääb Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) ja 8/3 (100 g/270 m) vahele. Võrdlesin ja tundub, et ongi nii. Muidugi on oluline ka keerd jms, metraaž üksinda on vaid osa vajalikust infost. Lilla on 8/2, must on 8/3.
I thought it is between Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) and 8/3 (100 g/270 m. I compared and it seems I was right. Of course twist is also importand, the weight alone provides only a part of necessary information. The purple one is 8/2, the black one is 8/3.
Lõng on õhuline, kooks lõdvalt mõne lihtsa augulise mustriga ja suhteliselt jämeda vardaga.
The yarn is airy, I would knit it with some simple eyelet pattern and with relatively thick needles.
Through Facebook Käsitöö (Handicraft) group I learned that there is a small firm Haani (text in Estonian) in Haanja where the owners grow sheep (the Kihnu breed) and get the wool spun at Süvvahavva wool factory in Põlva county. I wrote to the owner. He could not specify the metrage but the yarn is 2 ply and it slightly varies from lot to lot. I ordered 100 g of black and 100 g of dark-grey. He sent the package on Friday and I got it on Saturday.
Sellised lõngad. Mitte must, vaid hästi külm pruun. Hall on pigem keskimne. On nagu on, sest lambalt ei saa värvi täpselt tellida. Aga pole midagi, võib ka ära värvida, kui on vaja.
These are the yarns. Not black but quite cold brown. The grey one is rather middle than dark grey. We have what we have because you cannot order a particular shade from a sheep. No problem, if needed, it is possible to dye the yarn.
Arvasin, et lõng jääb Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) ja 8/3 (100 g/270 m) vahele. Võrdlesin ja tundub, et ongi nii. Muidugi on oluline ka keerd jms, metraaž üksinda on vaid osa vajalikust infost. Lilla on 8/2, must on 8/3.
I thought it is between Aade Lõng 8/2 (100 g/400 m) and 8/3 (100 g/270 m. I compared and it seems I was right. Of course twist is also importand, the weight alone provides only a part of necessary information. The purple one is 8/2, the black one is 8/3.
Lõng on õhuline, kooks lõdvalt mõne lihtsa augulise mustriga ja suhteliselt jämeda vardaga.
The yarn is airy, I would knit it with some simple eyelet pattern and with relatively thick needles.
reede, 14. oktoober 2016
Veel kruiisi pilte/Some more cruise pictures
Need tegi kruiisi ametlik fotograaf Mikko Varjokorpi.
These were taken by the official curise photographer Mikko Varjokorpi.
Ja need tegi Mia.
And these are by Mia.
Lähiajal tuleb veel ühe rätiku õpetus. Kirjutan hiljem rohkem.
In the nearest future I will write up one more shawl pattern. I will post more later.
These were taken by the official curise photographer Mikko Varjokorpi.
Ja need tegi Mia.
And these are by Mia.
Lähiajal tuleb veel ühe rätiku õpetus. Kirjutan hiljem rohkem.
In the nearest future I will write up one more shawl pattern. I will post more later.
kolmapäev, 12. oktoober 2016
Rätik mitmest villasest lõngast/A shawl from various woolen yarns
Rätikud on head jääkide ärakasutamiseks. Mul oli musta-halli Raasiku 8/2 (52 g), samas jämeduses musta (18 g) ja Pirtin Kehräämö villast (50 g). Alustasin mustast, seejärel sobitasin üleminekulõnga värve nii, et sektsioonid oleksid pikemad, ning lõpetasin samuti mustaga. Vardad 5,5 mm.
Shawls are good for using up leftovers. I had some black-grey Raasiku factory wool 8/2 (52 g) and some black yarn of the same weight and the same manufacturesr (18 g) and Pirtin Kehräämö wool (50 g). I started with black, then I arranged the variegated yarn so that colour sections would be wider and finished with black as well. Needles 5.5 mm.
Selle kuju ja mustriga rätikuid olen teinud mitu. Vist peaks õpetuse kirja panema. Rätik meeldis minu mehele ja võttis nüüd kasutusele. Väga kena, mul on ettekääne jälle midagi taolist kududa!
I have knitted several shawls with this shape and stitch. Probably, I have to write up the pattern. My husband liked the shawl and started wearing it. Very well, now I have an excuse to knit again something of the kind!
Shawls are good for using up leftovers. I had some black-grey Raasiku factory wool 8/2 (52 g) and some black yarn of the same weight and the same manufacturesr (18 g) and Pirtin Kehräämö wool (50 g). I started with black, then I arranged the variegated yarn so that colour sections would be wider and finished with black as well. Needles 5.5 mm.
Selle kuju ja mustriga rätikuid olen teinud mitu. Vist peaks õpetuse kirja panema. Rätik meeldis minu mehele ja võttis nüüd kasutusele. Väga kena, mul on ettekääne jälle midagi taolist kududa!
I have knitted several shawls with this shape and stitch. Probably, I have to write up the pattern. My husband liked the shawl and started wearing it. Very well, now I have an excuse to knit again something of the kind!
esmaspäev, 10. oktoober 2016
Haapsalu + Raasiku
Sõbrad, kinnitan, et geograafiaga on mul kõik korras. Jutt on lõngadest: meie Raasiku vabriku villasest (Aade Lõng 8/2, 100 g/400 m) ja Midara vabriku peenvillasest nimega Haapsalu (100 g/1400 m). Jakk sai valmis veel enne kuriisi ja siis Mia pildistas ära Stockholmis.
My friends, I still remember geography (Haapsalu is a town in the North-West of Estonia and Raasiku is 30 cm to the east from Tallinna). I am talking about yarns: our Raasiku factory wool (Aade Lõng 8/2, 100 g/400 m) and laceweight wool named Haapsalu (100 g/1400 m) my Midara factory in Lithuania. The latter has this name because it is suitable for classical Haapsalu shawls. I had finished the cardigan before our craft cruise and Mia took pictures in Stockholm.
Mia, kiitos paljon! Oli mukava!
Lõng/Yarn: (1) Aade Lõng Solid 8/2 (100 % vill/wool, 100 g/400 m), ~ 220 g; (2) Haapsalu (Midara), 100 % vill/wool, 100 g/1400 m, ~ 60 g
Vardad/Neeldles: 4 mm
My friends, I still remember geography (Haapsalu is a town in the North-West of Estonia and Raasiku is 30 cm to the east from Tallinna). I am talking about yarns: our Raasiku factory wool (Aade Lõng 8/2, 100 g/400 m) and laceweight wool named Haapsalu (100 g/1400 m) my Midara factory in Lithuania. The latter has this name because it is suitable for classical Haapsalu shawls. I had finished the cardigan before our craft cruise and Mia took pictures in Stockholm.
Mia, kiitos paljon! Oli mukava!
Lõng/Yarn: (1) Aade Lõng Solid 8/2 (100 % vill/wool, 100 g/400 m), ~ 220 g; (2) Haapsalu (Midara), 100 % vill/wool, 100 g/1400 m, ~ 60 g
Vardad/Neeldles: 4 mm
laupäev, 8. oktoober 2016
Kruiisi pilte/Some pictures from the cruise
Pilte tuleb loodetavasti veel. Laeval oli selliseid lõngu ja kudumeid:
There will be more pictures, hopefully. These were yarns and knits on board:
Mul oli oma laud. Rääkisin oma raamatust ja rätikute konstrueerimisest mõlemal päeval. On palju uusi mõtteid ja plaane.
I had my own table. I talked on both days about my book and shawl construction. There are many new ideas and plans.
Stockholmis käisin Mia ja Tuijaga sümpaatses lõngapoes nimega Litet Nystan (väike lõngakera). Ei ostnud midagi, aga hea meelega uurisin lõngu (kaks viimast pilti tegi Katja).
In Stockholm I visited a lovely yarn shop Litet Nystan (little yarn ball) together with Mia and Tuija. I did not buy anything, yet I inspected various yarns with pleasure (two last pictures taken by Katja).
Alumisel pildil on ka kuulus soome kuduja ja disainer Puikkomaisteri (Vardameister).
A famous Finnish knitter and designer Puikkomaisteri (Needle Master) is in the bottom picture.
There will be more pictures, hopefully. These were yarns and knits on board:
Mul oli oma laud. Rääkisin oma raamatust ja rätikute konstrueerimisest mõlemal päeval. On palju uusi mõtteid ja plaane.
I had my own table. I talked on both days about my book and shawl construction. There are many new ideas and plans.
Stockholmis käisin Mia ja Tuijaga sümpaatses lõngapoes nimega Litet Nystan (väike lõngakera). Ei ostnud midagi, aga hea meelega uurisin lõngu (kaks viimast pilti tegi Katja).
In Stockholm I visited a lovely yarn shop Litet Nystan (little yarn ball) together with Mia and Tuija. I did not buy anything, yet I inspected various yarns with pleasure (two last pictures taken by Katja).
Alumisel pildil on ka kuulus soome kuduja ja disainer Puikkomaisteri (Vardameister).
A famous Finnish knitter and designer Puikkomaisteri (Needle Master) is in the bottom picture.
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