Ravelrys on peaaegu läbi selle sviitri kooskudumine. Viimastel päevadel tuli mitu varianti kitsaste varrukatega (igaüks teeb, nagu talle meeldib). Mainisin, et kuigi minu sviitri varrukad tunduvad alt laienevat, tehniliselt pole nii, kudusin sirgelt ega teinud kasvatusi. Tõsi küll, all on mõni rida ripskoes, mis on hõredam, kui labane parempidine, aga ainuuksi ei anna 4-6 ringi ripsi niisugust laienemist. Nüüd koon palju jämedamast lõngast, Elotroi 8/3 (100 g/250 m). Mõtlesin esialgu, et koon lihtsalt sirged varrukad. Kudusin ühe varruka valmis ja nägin, et see laieneb alt ja nii jämeda lõnga puhul ei näe hea välja (ei lange ilusasti, nagu mohäär + peenike meriino). Nii et varrukas tunduks enam-vähem sirge, kui kudum on seljas, tuleb kahandada. Iseenesest pole selles midagi uut, aga mõni kudum on selline, et aitab selliseid lihtsaid asju teadvustada ja sõnastada.
The KAL for this sweater on Ravelry has almost finished. During the last couple of days several versions with narrow sleeves appeared (everyone customizes the pattern to one's liking). I mentioned that although the sleeves of my sweater appear to be wider at the bottom, technically, this is not true because I knitted without increases. True, there are some rows of garter stitch, which is fluffier than stockinette but solely 4-6 rounds of garter stitch do not yield such a widening. Now I am working with a much thicker yarn, Elotroi 8/3 (100 g/250 m). At first I planned to make just straight sleeves. I completed one sleeve and saw that it widens at the botton and with such a thick yarn it does not look good (does not drape nicely as mohair + laceweight merino does). So in order for the sleeve to appear more or less straight when you wear the garment, decreases are needed. Nothing new, actually, but some projects are such that they help to realize these simple things and to articulate them.
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