On päris kiire, ei ole näidata midagi uut, aga siiski on üks teade. Tallinnas on teatavasti suhteliselt uus lõngapood, Pärl ja Lõngad, asub Solarise keskuses. 31. oktoobril kl 18 pean seal tundi kolmnurksete rätikute konstrueerimisest. Olen seda õpetanud varem, aga poe perenaine Katrin arvab, et rätikute huvilisi on palju ja võiks teha uuesti. Plaanis on veel mitmeid töötube, kursusi, kooskudumisi jms. See on esialgne teade, kindlasti teeb pood ka ise reklaami oma Facebooki lehel. Panen mõne rätiku pildi ka siia. Plaanis on veel üks uus konstruktsioon, mida pole varem proovinud.
I am quite busy and have nothing new to show but still there is something to tell you. Those of you who visit Tallinn probably know that there is a relatively new yarnshop there, Pärl ja Lõngad (Beads and Yarns) in the Solaris shopping centre. On 31 October at 6 p.m. I will be teaching construction of triangular shawls. I have taught this before but Katrin, the owner of the shop, believes that there are many knitters who are interested in shawls and there is room for a new class. I am planning more workshops, classes, KALs etc. This is preliminary information and the shop will definitely adverstise the class on its Facebook page. Here are some pictures of shawls. I have an idea of a new construction I have not tried before.
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