neljapäev, 12. september 2019

Rätik on valmis/The shawl is completed

Praegu on mul vaid üks pilt, aga olen juba rätikut kandnud. Ilm on tuuline ja rätik läheb asja ette.
So far I have only one pic but I already have been wearing the shawl. The weather is windy and it comes quite handy.
Jutt on Balladi rätikust ehk 2019. a. kruiisirätikust. See rätik on mohääri ja peenvillase jääkidest. Teen varsti veel ühe näidiseks Marianne's Mohair/Adele's Mohair mohääri-linase segust. Kruiisil saab näha kõik 3 tükki.
I am talking about Balladi shawl aka 2019 craft cruise shawl. This one is from mohair and laceweight wool leftovers. I will soon knit one more for a sample from mohair-linen blend by Marianne's Mohair/Adele's Mohair. All three will be on display at the cruise.

1 kommentaar:

Jennifer Alex ütles ...

here is for Embroidery Digitizing Service  to be here for it to be here