Rätik edeneb. Mõtlen intensiivselt ääre peale. Tahaks õhulisemat, augulisemat äärt. On paar kandidaati. Muster peaks olema lihtne ja selge joonega. Mul on praegu raske hinnata kasutamata lõnga kogust. Siiski arvan, et võin veel mõnda aega kududa põhimustrit.
The shawl is progressing. I am thinking about the edge quite intensively. I would like a more airy, eylete-patterned kind of edge. The pattern has to be simple and with clear lines. It is difficult for me to estimate the quantity of the remaining yarn. Still, I believe I will knit the body for some time.
Plaanidest. Pitsilise kampsuni õpetus (kerige postitust pisut alla) tuleb Ravelrys loodetavasti veel selle aasta sees. Loodan, et keegi oleks nõus testima L- ja XL-suurust (S-M on mul 2 korda kootud). Samuti pole unustanud seda sokilõnast sviitrit, mille õpetust ajakirjas ei olnud. Sellest hiljem. Etteruttavalt ütlen, et veel kahe TFW kudumi õpetused on tegemisel, ilmuvad kunagi Käsitöös.
About plans. Hopefully, the pattern for the lace cardigan (scroll down a bit) will appear on Ravelry within the current year. I hope someone would be kind to test L and XL sizes (I have already worked S-M two times). Neither have I forgotten about this sock yarn sweater whose pattern was not in the magazine. I will write about it later. Rushing ahead of the events, I am letting you know that patterns for two more knits from my TFW collection are under construction and will eventually appear in Käsitöö.
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