teisipäev, 10. veebruar 2015

Minimaalne harutamine/Minimal frogging

Sviiter on ära kuivanud, harutasin alt u 5 cm. Laiusesse on ka pisut veninud, aga mitte kriitiliselt, sest plaanis oli nagunii vaba istuvusega sviiter.
The sweater has dried and I frogged approximately 5 cm from the bottom edge. It has stretched somewhat in the width but this is not critical at all because I wanted a loose-fitting sweater from the beginning.
Veel avastasin, et poolpatnt- ja patentkoes sviitri alumine serv ei nõua tingimata erilist viimistlust. Selle sviitri alumine äär on tavaline soonik, aga ei pruugi olla.
I also found that half-patent and patent stitch sweater does not have to have a special finishing at the bottom. This sweater has ordinary ribbing at the edge but it is not necessary.
Minu esimesel patentkoes sviitril on äär lõdvalt maha kootud.
My first patent stitch sweater has a loose bind-off.
Varrukatele tegin ikka soonikust viimistluse.
But I finished the sleeves in ribbing.
Nn pahupool on ilus, saab kanda mõlemat pidi (õmbluseid ju pole!).
So-called wrong side is nice and the sweater is wearable both ways (as there are no seams!).

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