Patent ja poolpatent edeneb teatavasti üsna aeglaselt. Kere osa on umbes taljeni kootud, eile alustasin varrukat. Mul oli kohe aimdus, et puuvillane lõng käitub teisiti (igatahes ei oska ma erinevusi selle ja teiste patentkoes kudumite varrukate konstrueerimise vahel seletada mingi muu põhjusega).
Patent and half-patent are time consuming and my knit is progressing slowly. The torso part reaches the waist and yesterday I started the sleeve. From the beginning I suspected that a cotton yarn behaves differently (in any case I cannot explain in any other way the differences between constructing sleeves in this and other patent stitch sweaters).
Nagu näha, sviiter on avara istuvusega (siiski ei nimetaks ma seda oversize'iks). Varrukas on täiesti sirge, õlajoon on madal. Täisvillasest ja sokilõngast patentkoe puhul oli mul oluline vahe kere ja väikse diameetriga varruka kudumistiheduse vahel. Tollal ei korjanud üles kõiki silmuseid, vaid teatud proportsiooniga. Antud juhul vaatasin, et siin pole seda vigurit vaja, vardad on samad (3 mm) ja korjasin silmused üles tavalisel viisil (2 rea kohta 1 s).
As you can see, the sweater has some positive ease (but I would not call it oversize). The sleeve is completely straight, the shoulder line is low. When I knitted patent stitch with wool and sock yarn, I had a considerable difference between the gague of thte torso and the sleeves (small diametre). I did not pick up all stitches but in a certain proportion. However, in this case I realized I do not need these tricks, the needle size is the same (3 mm) and I picked up stitches in a usual way (1 st per 2 rows).
Kui on huvi, teised patentkoes sviitrid on siin ja siin.
If you have interest, other patent stitch sweaters are here and here.
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