kolmapäev, 9. november 2016


Ausõna, kavatsesin kududa midagi muud, tahtsin proovida üht konstruktsiooni. Aga lõng ei sobinud selleks, sest Angora 2 pole eriti langev, talle peaks lisama nt sokilõnga või Raasiku villast või midagi analoogset, mida mul parajasti ei ole. Samas tahtsin proovida, kuidas ripsiga poolpatent toimib mohääri sisaldusega lõngal. Toimib ilusti. Angora 2 pole väga karvane. Lõng on peenike, muster paistab kenasti. Panin juurde peenvillast (poolilõng 100 g/1400 m). Kahjuks on pilt eilne, sest nüüd tahab aku laadida. Võrreldes eilsega on kaenla alla lisandunud u. 15 cm. Mõne aja pärast alustan varrukaid.
Honestly, I intended to knit something else, I wanted to try out a certain construction. But the yarn was not suitable for it because Angora 2 does not fall well and another yarn should be added, something like sock yarn or Raasiku wool or a similar yarn that I do not have right now. At the same time I wanted to check how half-patent with garter stitch works with a mohair blend. It works quite well. Angora 2 is not very fluffy. The yarn is thin and the pattern has a good definition. I added laceweight wool (bought on a cone, 100 g/1400 m). Unfortunately, my picutures are from yesterday because right now the battery of my camera has to be charged. Compared to yesterday, some 15 cm was added in the length from the armholes donwnwards. I will start sleeves soon.
Kuna tunnis oli huvi niisuguse sviitri ja konstruktsiooni vastu, teen vastava materjali järgmisel nädalal (sel nädalal enam ei jõua, räägime sellest, mis plaanitud oli). Loodetavasti on siis sviiter valmis ja saan näidata.
As some interest was shown in class and several wished to try the construction and the sweater, I will prepare appropriate materials for next week (cannot do it this week, we will discuss what was planned for the current week). I hope the sweater is finished by then and I will be able to show it.

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