Olen ikka veel välsimaal, kuid koon iga päev. Roheline jakk ootab oma aega, kuna ma ei tahtnud suurt kudumit kohvrisse toppida. Mohäär on hea ka sellepoolest, et ta on kerge, pistad käekotti ja ei märka kaalu. Loomulikult alustasin midagi mohäärist! Pildid on kindlasti tulemas. Vihje: seekord tuleb pika varrukaga asi.
I am still abroad but knitting every day. The green jacket is waiting because I did not want to drag along a big project. But mohair is good also because it is light, you just put it into your hand bag and do not notice the weight at all. Naturally I started something from mohair! Pictures are coming. A hint: it will be a long-sleeved garment.
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