Mulle meeldivad enamasti Montoni firma riided. Muidugi mitte kõik, aga siiski väga paljud. Käisin vaatamas, mida uut ja huvitavat seal on. Nägin kleiti, mis on tähelepanuväärne vähemalt kahel põhjusel: 1) mul on plaanis seelik diagonaalse konstruktsiooniga, kus vahelduksid värvid ja/või koepinnad, umbes nagu kleidi alumises osas ja 2) sini-lilla kombinatsioon meenutab kangesti üht Raasiku lõnga: vaadake siit ja valige värv blue-lila. Kleidi link on siin.
I like clothes by Monton (an Estonian fashion company) quite a lot. Not all of them, of course, but still quite many. Recently I went to look what is new and interesting there. I noticed a dress that is remarkable at least for two reasons: 1) I have a plan for a skirt with a diagonal construction where colours and/or textures would differ more or less along the lines of the lower part and 2) blue-purple combination strongly reminds of a certain variagated yarn by Raasiku factory: look here and choose blue-lila. The link for the dress is here.
Tuleb meelde veel, et mul on üks kudum, kus kasutasin vaheldumisi Raasiku sini-lillat ja musta. Mainisin poes poolenisti naljaks, et kas teetegi nüüd asju Raasiku lõnga värvides. Tuttav müüja imestas, et Eestis on veel alles mõni toimiv lõngavabrik!
It occurs that I have a knit where I alternated Raasiku blue-purple yarn and black yarn. In the shop I asked (as a half-joke) a familiar salesperson whether they now produce garments in the colours of Raasiku factory yarns. The lady was quite surprised that, in fact, a yarn factory has survived in Estonia and is fully operating!
8 kommentaari:
Hauskoja vaatteita nuo Montonin vaatteet, kiitos linkistä! Sinun täytyy näyttää missä niitä myydään kun tulen Tallinnaan ;-)
Such an intriguing idea Anna. Color blocking is so fashionable right now and of course, those are gorgeous colors together. :) I look forward to seeing your creation!
It is funny that you write about this, because yesterday I was looking through a fashion magazine and realized I was looking at certain color combinations in clothing and thinking about yarn colors and what color combo I would love to use in my future knitting projects :)) I guess color influence and inspiration works both ways: yarn to clothes and clothes to yarn :))
I used to buy their clothes when they were available in my town and I loved them! Still have a couple of items. It's a pity the shop has disappeared from my country, I miss it a lot. Nice and very comfortable clothes, good fabrics and neatly finished. I forgot it was an Estonian brand.
Tuo mekko on kyllä upea! Hauska yhteys Aaden värimaailmaan!
Helena, kiitos! Montonin kauppa löytyy esimerkiksi Viru Keskus-tavaratalosta sekä muista isommista keskuksista.
Robin, thank you! I have not yet arrived at a particular decision what and how to make. Right now I am doing other knitting projects and this may take some time.
Diana, thanks! How very interesting! I noticed this dress because these happen to be "my" colours.
Alicja, I never new Monton had a branch in Poland. They are well established in Latvia and Lithuania, possibly elsewhere in Europe.
Mia, kiitos, mielenkiintoista, ettei kaupassa kenelläkään ollut aavistusta Aade Lõng langoista.
Tõesti sümpaatsete värvidega kleit ja lihtsa joonega, aga mitte igav. Ning tõepoolest meenutab Raasiku lõnga...
Arnikai, jah, vaata, mida kõike kuduja silm märkab ja millest kinni hakkab!
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