pühapäev, 29. juuli 2012

Angora 2, lõppude lõpuks/Angora 2, finally

Leedus on üks lõngavabrik Midara. Selle toodetud peenike lõng Micro on tuttav neile, kes koovad haapsalu salle jms. Ise olen kudunud Roma-nimelisest villasest lõngast, sellest sai eelmisel suvel valmis hõlmik. Peale nende jäi mulle silma Angora 2. Angora 1 pole olemas ja koostises pole angoorat. Kuid see pole oluline. Koostis on 50 % mohäär, 30 % akrüül ja 20 % vill, metraaž 100 g/750 m ja, mis peamine, on palju värve. Võib küll kurta Midara toodangu üle jms, kuid mõned firmad võiksid värvikaartidest malli võtta. Sellest Angora 2-st olen rääkinud Leedus olles üsna palju. Ravelrys on sellest kootud, võib sisestada Midara, valida sealt Angora 2 ja vaadata. Nüüd otsustasin järele proovida. Lõng meenutab mohääri, kuid puudub karvasus. Vardaga nr 4 tuleb kena pitsiline kude.
In Lithuania there is a yarn factory called Midara. One of its products, a lace weight yarn Micro is familiar to those who knit Haapsalu scarves. I have used Roma fine wool and made a wrap jacket last summer. In addition to those my attention was caught by Angora 2. Angora 1 does not exist and the yarn does not contain any angora fibers. But this is irrelevant. The fiber content is as follows: 50 % mohair, 30 % acrylic and 20 % wool, 100 g/750 m and, what is important, it is available in many colours. One can criticize Midara products and so on but some companies could learn from their colour cards. While in Lithuania, I have been talking quite a lot about Angora 2. There are porjects on Ravelry, just type Midara and choose Angora 2 from the list. Now I decided to finally try it. The yarn reminds of mohair but lacks is hairyness. With 4 mm needles you get a nice lace fabric.
Olen ilmselt pitsiliste sviitrite lainel. Elie alustasin ühe mustriga, mis oli mul ammu meeles. Tuli välja, et muster sobib suurepäraselt, kudum edeneb. Plaanis on suur krae.
Probably I am in the lace sweaters mood. Yesterday I started with a lace pattern that I had had on my mind long ago. It appears that the pattern fits perfectly with the yarn and the knit is progressing. I am thinking about a large collar.
Tegelik värv on pisut tumedam, kui viimasel pildil.
The real colour is somewhat darker than in the last picture.

reede, 27. juuli 2012

Radikaalne punane/Radical red

Valmis! Avele suur tänu pildistamast. Vilniuses on ligi 30 kraadi, päike on igal pool. Õnneks on igasugu hoove, kus on sobiv valgus ja taust.
Finished! Many thanks to Ave for taking pictures. It is about 30 degrees Celsius in Vilnius and the sun is shining everywhere. Luckily, there are courtyards where the light and the background are suitable.
Lõng/Yarn: Fabel (Drops), 50 g/205 m (75 % vill/wool, 25 % polüamiid/polyamid), ~ 175 g
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Ave

neljapäev, 26. juuli 2012

Peaaegu/Almost there

Pole eriti aega kirjutada, püüan vabal ajal kududa. Palavus on siin 30 kraadi, mis on liig. Ka õhtul kl 5-6 paiku on küllalt palav. Varrukad on juba valmis, arvan, et selline pikkus on paras. Ma ei teinud eriti palju kahandusi: pärast ühendamist 3-s mustrikorras (kõrguses) 1 kord 2 silmust (-6 silmust), pärast kudusin 6 mustrikorda kahandusteta, siis kahandasin veel üks kord 2 silmust ja lõpuks ripskoelises ääres korraga 4 silmust. Kahanduste rütmi saab reguleerida, kogu aeg selga proovides. Nüüd oleks vaja veel 3-4 mustrikorda alla kududa ja kudum on valmis. Loodan näidata varsti juba valmiskudumit. Ave, tänan pildistamast!
I have little time to write and try to knit in my free time. The heat is here around 30 degrees Celsius, which is too much. In the evening around 5-6 p.m. it is quite hot. The sleeves are ready and I believe this length is right. I did not make many decreases: after joining I decreased in 3 repeats (in the hihgt) 1 time 2 stitches (-6 stitches), then I knitted 6 repeats without decreases, then decreased 2 stitches ones more and, finally, decreased 4 stitches at once in the garter edging. The rythm of decreases can be ajusted by trying on every now and then and looking what is right for you. Now I need 3-4 repats more and the sweter will be finished. I hope to show you the finished sweater next time. Ave, thanks for the picture!

esmaspäev, 23. juuli 2012

Kooskudumine jätkub/KAL in progress

Kooskudumine jätkub. Alustasin varrukat. Võib-olla mäletate, et kunagi varem kirjutasin päris pika postituse varruka ülevalt alal kudumisest ja pitsilise mustri sobitamisest. See on siin, põhimõte on sama. Alustasin 14-st silmusest, otsustasin, et varruka keskele tuleb 1 mustrikord ja ülejäänud silmused on pahempidised. Siis pole kudum ülekoormatud ja varruka kahandused ei lõhuks mustrit.
KAL is in progress. I started one sleeve. Maybe you remember that some time ago I wrote a lengthy post about knitting sleeves top down and adjusting lace patterns. Here it is, the principle is the same. I started from 14 stitches and decided that there will be 1 pattern repeat in the middle of the sleeve and the rest will be reversed stockinette. In this way the garment will not be too overloaded with lace patterns and sleeve decreases will not interfere with the pattern.
Samuti soovitan viimistleda kaelus enne, kui otsustate lõpliku pikkuse üle. Kaelus ja varrukad panevad kudumi paika.
I also recommend finishing the neck opening before you decide about the final length of the garment. The neck opening and the sleeves fix the garment.

laupäev, 21. juuli 2012

Kooskudumine/Knitting along

Nüüd on suur uudis: juhin Mustrimaailma foorumis kooskudumist! Lõng on Drops Fabel (50 g/205 m), sobiks ka mõni muu sokilõng, Raasiku 8/2, ka Drops Alpaca ja palju muud. Ma ei hakka eesti keeles juttu dubleerima, keda huvitab konstruktsioon, võib lugeda foorumis seda teemat (on vaja registreeruda). Esimene foto näitab mustrit. Minu tugirühmas on Ave ja Helin. Helin koob Dropsi alpakast ja tal on teine muster. Ave mõtleb veel lõnga ja mustri üle.
I have some news: I am leading a KAL at the Estonian forum Mustrimaailm! It is all in Estonian and I am going to provide here explanations in English for those who are interested (Estonian-speakers can follow the link). My yarn is Drops Fabel (50 g/205 m), any sock yarn will do, also Raasiku 8/2, Drops Alpaca and many others. The top picture shows the pattern. If you want charts, just let me know. My support group includes Ave and Helin. Helin is working with Drops Alpaca and has a different stitch pattern. Ave is choosing a yarn and a pattern.
Alustame abilõngast. See pole kohustuslik, maitse asi. Mulle meeldib pärast kasutada n-ö lahtiseid silmuseid kaeluse viimistlemiseks. See on seljatükk, algab mõttelisest õlajoonest pisut allpool.
We start with a provisional cast-on. It is not compulsory, just a matter of taste. I like to use live stitches for the finishing of the neck opening. This is the back piece, started slightly below the imaginary shoulder line.
Siin on vasak esitükk. Jätsin seljatüki ootele, koon esitükid, siis ühendan omavahel.
Here is the left front piece. The back piece is on hold, I am working on the front pieces and then join them.
Siin on juba mõlemad esitükid, aga veel ühendamata.
Here are both front pieces but not joined yet.
Nagu näha, tegin enne ühendamist natuke kasvatusi (lisasin kummalegi esitükile 2 silmust). Niimoodi tuleb ümaram kaelus.
As you see, I made some increases before joining the pieces (just increased 2 stitch at each front piece). In this way the neck opening will be more rounded.
Esitükid ühendatud, proovisin selga, kas võib nüüd ühe esi- ja seljatüki omakorda ühendada. Tegin esi- ja seljatüki äärtele mõned kasvatused, siis ühendasin: esitükk, luua 4 silmust kaenla alla, seljatükk, jälle 4 silmust, ühendasin, koon ringselt.
The front pieces are joined and I tried it on in order to know whether it is time to join the front and the back. I made some increases at the edges of the front and back piece and then joined them: knit the front piece, cast on 4 stitches for underarm, knit the back piece, cast on the second group of underarm stitches, join, work in the round. 
Seega on asi lihtne. Lõin 69 silmust. Esitükid on alguses kumbki 24 silmust, siis kasvatsin 1 silmuse juurde kaeluse jaoks, järgmises parempidises reas samuti (26 silmust). Ühendamiseks on vaja arvutada, mitu silmust luua. Selle arvu saame nii: seljatüki silmused - 2 x esitüki silmused. Seega 69 - 2 x 26 = 17. Pärast kudusin mõnda aega veel ja lisasin äärtele 1 silmuse: 69 + 2 = 71. Ühendades lõin 4 + 4 silmust, nagu juba öeldud. Silmuste arv on nüüd 71 + 4 + 71 + 4 = 150. Minu suurus on S, ei tundu liiga liibuv.
Thus, it is rather simple. I casted on 69 stitches. The front pieces were 24 stitches each, then I increased 1 stitch for the neck opening and one more time in the next right-side row (26 stitches). To join the front pieces, you have to calculate how many stitches you have to cast on. This figure is obtained in the following way: back piece stitches - 2 x front piece stitches. Thus, 69 - 2 x 26 = 17. After joining the front pieces I knitted some more and then added 1 stitch at each edge: 69 + 2 = 71. For joining the front and the back I casted on 4 + 4 stitches, as already stated. Stitch count is now 71 + 4 + 71 + 4 = 150. My size is S and the sweater is not too tight.
Kuldne reegel: proovige selga, vaadake iga natukese aja taga, kuidas on.
A golden rule: try on as you go, look how it fits every now and then.

neljapäev, 19. juuli 2012

Pisut tehniline/Somewhat technical

Seletan viimase kudumi konstruktsiooni. Mõni on terava silmaga ja tähele pannud, et taga on ka pitsimuster. Konventsionaalse ehk alt üles õmblustega kudumise puhul oleks nii: jätkata pitsiribad, pärast seljatüki külge ja omavahel kokku õmmelda. Samas saab hakkama ka õmblusteta ja lihtsamalt. Muidugi üks võimalus on selline, nagu olen teinud sallkraega jakkide puhul: kui kere osa on valmis, noppida üles esitükkide ja krae silmused ja kududa nööbiliistud ja krae. Ei ole paha, aga tahtsin teha nii, et kudumissuund vahelduks (ehk visuaalselt oleks sama pilt nagu ülalmainitud konventsionaalse kudumisviisi puhul). Nüüd vaatame pilti ja seletame.
I am going to explain the construction of the recent knit. Some shrewed knitters have noticed the lace pattern on the back of the neck. This would be as follows in conventional bottom up knitting with seams: continue lace columns, then seam them together and to the back piece. However, you can do it without seams and in a easier way. Of course there is an option to do as I usually do with shawl collar jackets: when the torso part is finished, you pick up stitches along the front pieces and in the back of the neck and then knit button bands and the collar. It is not bad at all but I wanted to change the direction of knitting in order to get the same visual effect as in the above mentioned conventional knitting. Let us look at the picture and comment.
Roheline joon on kudumise algus. Loome krae silmused (antud juhul pitsiriba), koome selja keskelt. Loomisäärelt korjame üles silmused ja koome samamoodi teises suunas. Kudumissuunda tähistavad mustad nooled. Kui kootud on niipalju, et krae laius on käes, loome õlasilmused (oranžid jooned) ja koome pitsiriba koos esitükkidega. Seljatüki jaoks korjame üles silmused mööda õlajoont: esialgu üks õlg (oranž joon), siis mööda krae äärt (sinine joon), siis teine õlg (teine oranž joon). Koome seljatüki. Edasi läheb tavaliselt, ühendame kaenla alt ja koome ringselt alla.
The green line is the beginning of knitting. Cast on the collar stitches (the lace column in this case) and start knitting from the middle of the back. Then pick up stitches of the cast on edge and do the same in the oposite direction. The black arrows show the direction of knitting. When you have knitted as much as the width of the collar, cast on shoulder stitches (orange lines) and continue the lace columns together with the front pieces. For the back piece pick up stitches along the shoulder line starting from one shoulder (orange line), then along the collar (blue line) and then along the other shoulder (the second orange line). Knit the back piece. Then it goes as usual: join the pieces under arms and continue in the round to the bottom.

teisipäev, 17. juuli 2012


Nüüd näitan valmis topi pilte. Kristiina, tänan väga piltide eest! Eesti suvi on lühike, praegu on just aeg kanda. Pitsiribad on antud juhul minu improvisatsioon (ma ei julge öelda, et olen leiutanud uue mustri, parimal juhul taasleiutanud, mis on juba olemas). Kavatsen seda mustrit veelgi kasutada, mõnikord on vertikaalseid kitsaid pitsimustreid vaja.
Now I am going to show the pictures of the finished top. Kristiina, thank you very much for the photos! Estonian summer is short and now it is a high time to wear it. The lace pannels are my improvisation (I do not dare to claim that I have invented a new stitch pattern; in the best case I have re-invented something already existing). I am going to use this pattern because sometimes you need a narrow lace column.

Lõng/Yarn: Altamoda Estate (Lana Grossa), 50 g/80 m (80 % puuvill/cotton, 10 % siid/silk, 10 % nailon/nylon), 5 tokki/balls
Vardad/Needles: 5,5 mm
Pildid/Pictures: Kristiina

esmaspäev, 16. juuli 2012

Ülimalt teoreetiline arutelu/A highly theoretical discussion

Mõnikord pole kududes veel selge, millised varrukad tulevad (kas täispikad või kolmveernad vms) või kas üldse on varrukaid vaja. Abikaasa küsis, kas sel kudumil tulevad ka varrukad ja soovitas, et olgu pigem ilma. Kõhklesin, arvasin, et lühikesed, ütleme, sümboolsed varrukad pole välistatud. Otsustasime, et vaatame hiljem. Meie arutelu on aga osutunud ülimalt teoreetiliseks väga labasel põhjusel. Nimelt pidin vaatama, kas lõnga on piisavalt, et kere osa oleks viisaka pikkusega. Õnneks oli. Tõepoolest, metraaž on 50 g/80 m, seega 5 tokki ehk 400 m on tõesti piiripealne kogus S-suurusele.
Sometimes it is not entirely clear in the process of knitting, what kind of sleeves there will be (long or three quarters etc) or whether sleeves are needed at all. My husband ask if this garment was going to have any sleeves and adviced against them. I was hesitant and thought that short, rather symbolic sleeves were not entirely impossible. We decided to discuss it later. However, our discussion has proved to be of an extremely theoretical kind and for a quite trivial reason at that. Namely I had to watch whether I have enough yarn to finish the torso part at some decent length. Fortunately, I had. Really, the metrage is 50 g/80 m and, therefore, 5 balls or 400 m is a borderline amount of yarn for size S.
Kudumiga olen rahul. Esiteks, siin on mu lemmik pärlkude (õigemini, kahekordne pärlkude). Teiseks, mängus on uus konstruktsioon. Loodetavasti saab varsti enda seljas näidata. Siis räägime ka konstruktsioonist.
I am quite glad how it turned out. First, here is my favourite moss stitch (or, to be precise, double moss stitch). Second, a new construction is involved. Hopefully, I will be able to have modelled pictures soon. Then will discuss the construction. 

laupäev, 14. juuli 2012

Leheseelik Kristiinale/A leaf-patterned skirt for Kristiina

Teistele kududa on päris õpetlik. Õpid uusi asju, hakkad tajuma, et sama suurusega inimesed ei pruugi veel olla sama kehaehitusega. Seega leiab kinnitust minu mõte, et on hea kududa nii, et saaks kogu aeg selga proovida ja korrigeerida, sest ükski õpetus ei ole universaalne.
It is quite instructive to knit for other people. You learn new things and start realizing that people wearing the same size do not necessarily have the same body shape. Thus, my idea is being confirmed that it is wise to knit in such a way that you can try on as you go and make corrections because no pattern is universal.
Nagu näete, all on mu lemmikmustreid.
As you can see, one of my favourite stitch patterns is on the bottom.

Kokkuvõtteks: põikikudumine on huvitav sellepärast, et vertikaalsed mustrid muutuvad horisontaalseteks ja vastupidi. Tekib uusi võimalusi.
To sum up: knitting sideways is exciting because vertical stitch patterns become horizontal ones and vice versa. New possibilities appear.
Aitäh, Kristiina, et usaldasid mind!
Thank you for your trust, Kristiina!

reede, 13. juuli 2012

Põgus pilk/A glimpse

Lühike postitust, üks põgus pilk (Kristiina, tänan pildi eest). Pikem jutt tuleb lähiajal.
A short post, just a glimpse (Kristiina, thanks for the picture). A longer story follows shortly.

kolmapäev, 11. juuli 2012

Lõngu/Some yarns

Täna on ühe armsa lõngapoe, nimelt, W&W poe sünnipäev. Lõngapidu algas juba kl 10 ja vist pole veel lõppenud. Käisin mõne sõbraga hommikupoolikul, siis polnud sünnipäevalisi eriti palju. Kesksel kohal on Noro ja uus lõng Bombyx, villase, siidi, polüamiidi ja veel millegi segu.
Today is the birthday of a lovely yarn store, W&W, to be exact. The festivities started already at 10 a.m. and have not yet finished. In the company of some friends, I visited the shop in the morning when there was rather few guests. Noro and a new yarn Bombyx (a blend of wool, silk, polyamide and somthing else) occupy the central place.
Kellele Noro...
Noro for some... 
Kellele suvelõngad...
Summer yarns for others...
Tõsine uurimine (perenaine on paremalt esimene).
A serious investigation (the shop owner is first on the right).
Tore, kui inimene leiab õiget värvi lõnga!
It is nice when someone finds a yarn in the right colours!
Palju õnne!
Happy birthday!

pühapäev, 8. juuli 2012

Üks ajakiri/A magazine

Olen Saksamaal. Saksamaal müüakse kudumisajakirju ja mustrivihikuid igal pool, nt mõnes raudteejaama kioskis jms. Eestis on saadaval Verena, Filati Handstrick, Diana jms väiksemad ajakirjad. Siin on muidugi valik laiem. Annika on ilmelt šveitsi ajakiri. Mulle tundus päris huvitav, teen väikse ülevaate.
I am in Germany. In Germany knitting magazines and small stitch dictionaries are being sold everywhere, for instance, in kiosks at railway stations etc. In Estonia you can get Verena, Filati Handstrick, Diana and some smaller magazines. Of course, here the choice is bigger. Annika is probably a Swiss magazine. It appeared quite interesting and here is a little review.
Soovitatavad lõngad on Schulanna või Langi omad. Ilmselt on see lõngafirmade ajakiri. On päris õige, et lõngafirmadel on oma disainerid ja ajakirjad. Kahju, et meil Eestis on see raha- ja inimressursi tõttu võimatu.
Recommended yarns are either by Schulanna or by Lang. Probably, the magazine belongs to yarn producers. It is rather logical that yarn companies have their own designers and magazines. Unfortunately, due to the lack of financial and human resources, this appears rather impossible in Estonia. 
Päris palju on reljeefseid mustreid. Üsna mitu on kimono-varrukaga sviitreid; alumise pildi sviiter on kootud põiki. Huvitav on, et õpetused on suhteliselt lühikesed, samas on minu arust selged. Eeldatakse, et põhioskused on olemas. Kui mõni kudum on lihtne, siis on vastav märge olemas. Enamasti on antud 2 suurust või on mõni ebamäärane S-M või 36-38. Haruharva on 3 või 4 suurust. Samas pean ütlema, et õpetused ei ole ülekoormatud ja mustriskeemid on igal pool antud.
There are many textured patterns. Quite a lot of kimono sleeve sweaters; in the lower picture the sweater has been knitted sideways. Noteworthy, the instructions are relatively brief and at the same time rather clear, in my view. It is supposed that a knitter has basic skills. If some knit is easy, it is mentioned. Mostly 2 sizes are provided or rather indefinite S-M or 36-38. Very seldom there are 3 or 4 sizes. Still, I think that the instructions are not too detailed and everywhere charts are given.

reede, 6. juuli 2012


Mõne mustri ilu on nähtav siis, kui on kootud hästi mitu mustrikorda. Nii on selle lehemustriga. Kudumine edeneb kiiresti.
The beauty of some stitch pattern is visible once you have knitted many repeats. This is the case with this leaf pattern. The knitting is progressing swiftly.

kolmapäev, 4. juuli 2012


Näitan midagi, mis sai hiljuti valmis. Ruth, tänan piltide eest!
I am showing something that I finished recently. Ruth, thanks for the pictures!

Lõng/Yarn: Linochic (Filati Pinori), lina + viskoos/linen-rayon, 100 g/370 m.
Vardad/Needles: 2,5 mm
Lõng meenutab leedu linast, millest olen kudunud mitmeid asju. Vaatasin, et saan kasutada sama kalkulatsiooni.
The yarn remains of Lithuanian linen that I have used several times. I saw that I can use the same calculation for this yarn.

teisipäev, 3. juuli 2012

Üks proovilapp/A swatch

Mõne mustri kohta mõtlen, et teine on päris tuntud ja sellepärast ei taha seda eriti kasutada. Kuid mõni muster on armas oma tuntusest hoolimata. Nõnda on mõne lehemustriga.
I keep thinking about certain stitch patterns that they are well known and for that reason I am reluctant to use them. However, I find some patterns lovely, no matter how widely used they are. This is the case with certain leaf patterns.
See leht sobib hästi kokku pahempidise koega. Tegelik värv on palju tumedam, kuid muster ei kaota kontrasti ja reljeefsust isegi tumeda lõnga puhul.
This leaf goes well together with reversed stockinette. The real colour is much darker but the pattern maintains the contrast and stitch definition even in a darker yarn.

pühapäev, 1. juuli 2012

Diagnoos on selge/The diagnosis is clear

Kui mõni asi kudumi puhul ei meeldi, peab alati välja selgitama, mis nimelt ei meeldi. Kas kude on liiga tihke või mustrid ei sobi kokku või mustri paigutus on vale või  veel midagi. Siis on selge, mida ja kuidas parandada. Diagnoos on antud juhul "jäikus". Puuvill on liiga jäik, sellepärast ei hoiagi sats ilusti, nagu näiteks siin: 
If you dislike something about your project, it is always necessary to find out what exactly is wrong. The fabric is too dense or the stitch patterns do not match or the place of the stitch pattern is not right etc. Then you know what and how to improve. In this case the diagnosis was "stiffness". Cotton is too stiff, that is why ruffle does not hold beautifully, as here:
Sellepärast otsustasin, et satsi asemel tuleb auguline äär ja kudusin maha hästi lõdvalt.
This is why I decided that instead of the ruffle there will be an eyelet edge and bound off very loosely.

Paremad pildid hiljem.
Better pictures will appear later.