Eile ja üleeile olin ametis mustri valimisega. Tellimus on, et olgu kindlasti palmikutega. Jakk tuleb suhteliselt lohvakas, seega pinda on palju ja mustrid võivad olla suured. Enne oli plaanis hoopis teist tüüpi palmik, aga vaatasin, et too tahab hoopis õhulisemat ja peenemat lõnga. Mustrivihikutest sai valitud selline. Mustrikord on päris suur, pidin esitükkide jaoks pisut kohendama. Kududa on päris põnev, ainult ei oska praegu ette kujutada, kui palju lõnga kulub.
Yesterday and the day before yesterday I was busy picking up a stitch pattern. The order was: a cabled pattern in any case. The jacket will be relatively big and loose, thus, there is a lot of space to fit in large pattern repeats. In the beginning we planned a totally different cable but then I saw that it would require a much more thin and airy yarn. From a stitch booklet this one was picked up. The repeat is quite large and I had to do some adjustments for the front pieces. It is rather fun to knit it, the only thing I cannot say at this stage how much yarn I will need.
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