neljapäev, 12. detsember 2013

Kahekordne pärlkude/Double moss stitch

Mõni lõng ei ole hea reljeefsete mustrite jaoks, kuid mõni muster sobib ikka, kuigi ei tule väga reljeefne. Olen ammu märganud, et Raasiku 8/3 "talub" kahekordset pärlkude (aga mitte ühekordset). Samasugune on Elotroi jämedam lõng (100 g/250 m) jm eesti villased. Nüüd on töös lõng, millest kirjutasin siin.
Some yarns are not suitable for highly textured stitch patterns but certain patterns look rather well, although they do not have high definition. I have noticed a while ago that Raasiku 8/3 "tolerates" double moss stitch (but not ordinary moss stitch). The same is true for the thicker yarns by Elotroi (100 g/250 m) and other Estonian yarns. Now I am working with the yarn  mentioned here.
Alustasin Ravelrys musta rombilise jaki kooskudumist. Kes soovib, tulge kampa!
I started a KAL of the black diamond jacket on Ravelry. If you wish, please join!

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