teisipäev, 24. veebruar 2015

Lühike kohtumine Helsingis/A short meeting in Helsinki

Olen Helsingis, see on üsna lühike sõit. Saime kokku Miaga, istusime koos kohvikus. Pildistada kaks kudumit ja kaks tassi on tema idee, pildistasime mõlemad.
I am in Helsinki, it is a rather short visit. We got together with Mia and spent some time in a café. This was her idea to take a picture of two cups and two knits, so we both took this picture.
Mia oma on tass teed ja hall kudum leedu linasest, minu oma on tass kovhi ja must kudum segulõngast (mohäär, vill, sünteetika). Sellest kudumist rohkem teine kord, kui on rohkem kootud.
The cup of tee and the grey knit from Lithuanian linen are Mia's and the cup of coffee and the black knit from mohair-wool-polyamide blend are mine. I will talk more about this knit once I will have knitted more.
Aitäh, Mia! Ja head Vabariigi aastapäeva kõigile!
Thank you, Mia! And I wish a nice Estonian Independence Day to everyone!

1 kommentaar:

Jennifer Alex ütles ...

here is Digitizing website for all of it to be here for it