Ühelt poolt ei taha ennast korrata, tahaks areneda. Samas on kordamine mingil määral vältimatu. Et sviiter oleks sviiter, peaksid tal olema teatud tunnused: reeglina ei ole see eest lahtine (muidu oleks kardigan, hõlmikjakk jms), tavaliselt on ka varrukad (muidu oleks vest). Kui koome raglaani, siis vaatamata võimalikele variatsioonidele on kõigil raglaanidel põhiolemus sama (ja nõnda on kõigi põhikonstruktsioonidega). Mustritega on selline lugu, et on mõned lemmikud, aga kui lõng või konstruktsioon on teistsugune või on koguni rätik ja, ütleme, mitte seelik, siis on see kordamine suhteliselt tinglikus mõttes. Mõnikord on aga mõningane kordamine sunnitud.
On one hand you don't want to repeat yourself, you want to grow. On the other hand some kind of repetition is inevitable. In order for a pullover to count as a pullover, it must have certain features: as a rule, it is not open at the front (otherwise it would be a cardigan, a wrap jacket etc); usually it has sleeves (otherwise it is a vest). If we knit a raglan, then all possible variations notwithsdanding, all raglans have essentially the same features (and this is true about all basic constructions). As for stitch patterns, some are favourits but if yarn or construction is differen or, say, you are not making a shawl but a skirt, then this is a relatively minor matter to count as a repetition. But sometimes you have no other way but to repeat yourself to a certain degree.
Sellest topist kirjutasin umbes aasta tagasi siin. Ravelrys kudusime koos sakilise mustriga kimonotoppe.
Approximately a year ago I wrote about this top here. On Ravelry we knitted together kimono tops with a zigzag pattern.
Milles on asi? Esiteks muster meeldib mulle tõesti. Teiseks aga "süüdi" on lõng Primula (Lana Gatto), 50 g/158 m, 67 % puuvill, 33 % viskoos. Tahtsin proovida üht uut konstruktsiooni. Ma parem ei alusta juttu suvelõngade värvidest, kõik tuttavad naeravad juba, teavad, et mul on probleem. Igatahes on õige värv üsna tumesinine. Värvi pärast võtsin, koostis on ka hea, aga lõng on suhteliselt libe ja lõheneb kergesti, uut konstruktsiooni pole hea proovida. Selgus, et on mustrite suhtes kapriisne. Kõige paremini sobivad labase parempidise koe põhised mustrid. Vaatasin, et tihedus on umbkaudu sama, nagu musta topi puhul (too lõng, Cotton Stretch, on väga hea, soovitan). Siis hakkasingi kuduma sama mustriga, kuigi teatud väikeste modifikatsioonidega.
What happend? First of all, I really like this stitch pattern. Second, the yarn Primula (Lana Gatto), 50 g/158 m, 67 % cotton, 33 % rayon is "guilty". I wanted to try out a new construction. I will better not start talking about colour choice of summer yarns, all my friends will laugh, everyone knows that I have a problem. Anyway, the colour is very dark blue. The colour was decisive and the fiber composition is fine, too, but the yarn is relatively slippery and splits easily, not a good way to try a new construction. It became clear that it is moody as far as stitch patterns are concerned. The best are patterns based on stockinette. I noticed that the gauge is almost the same as that of the black top (the yarn I used for that one, Cotton Stretch, is excellent, I highly recommend it). Then I started working in the same pattern, albeit with minor modifications.
Topp pole veel päris kuiv. Täna on suvine ilm, loodetavasti saab nüüd suvekudumeid kanda.
The top is not completely dry yet. Today is a sunny weather and I hope one can wear summer knits now.
esmaspäev, 29. juuni 2015
laupäev, 27. juuni 2015
0,8 X/0.8 X
Paar pilti. Tuul puhub, ilm on muutlik, kõik hädad korraga. Anne, tänan pildistamast!
A couple of pictures. The wind is blowing, the weather is changeable, all problems occur at the same time. Anne, thanks for pictures!
A couple of pictures. The wind is blowing, the weather is changeable, all problems occur at the same time. Anne, thanks for pictures!
Lõng/Yarn: Corda (100 % linane/linen), 100 g/300 m, ~ 150 g.
Vardad/Needles: 2,5 mm
Erinevalt valemist, kus kaelusele soovitan luua vähemalt X või isegi rohkem (olen teinud ka 1,3 X), lõin 0,8 X. Siis ei ole krae väga rippuv. Kahandasin reeglipäraselt igas 5.reas, lõpus paar korda tihedamini.
Different from the formula where I recommend assigning at least X stitches for the waterfalll collar or even more (I've done 1.3 X as well), I tried 0.8 X. In this case the collar is not very massive. I regularly decreased in every 5th row and in the end more often for a couple of times.
neljapäev, 25. juuni 2015
Asjade seis/Update
Vahepeal on valmis saanud puuvillane sviiter ja linane topp. Aga ei tea, millal saab pildistada, sest ilm pole üldse suvine, väljas on kõle. Ühe sviitri pildi tegi täna Maiu, suur tänu! Loeme seda piilukaks.
I have finished a cotton sweater and a linen top in the meantime. But I have no clue when it would be possible to take pictures because there is no summer weather at all and it is freezing outside. Maiu took a picture of the sweater today, thanks a lot! Please consider it as a sneak peek.
I have finished a cotton sweater and a linen top in the meantime. But I have no clue when it would be possible to take pictures because there is no summer weather at all and it is freezing outside. Maiu took a picture of the sweater today, thanks a lot! Please consider it as a sneak peek.
Linase topi pilt on siin. Loodan, et saan seda siiski kanda sel aastal. Kirjutan sellest hiljem pikemalt, kui saab korralikke pilte.
Here is a picture of the linen top. I still hope to be able to wear it this year. I will write more about it later once I have proper pictures.
teisipäev, 23. juuni 2015
Inspiratsiooniks: üks tõlgendus/For inspiration: an interpretation
On erinevaid kudujaid. Mõni tahab täpselt kopeerida (ise asi, kas see on võimalik käistsikudumise puhul - kui teil on selle kohta midagi öelda, siis kommenteerige palun). Mõni ikka kohandab, kas rohkem või vähem. Kohandamine võib olla ka puht-tehniline, nt tihedus erineb oluliselt sellest, mis on originaalis, siis tuleb kalkuleerida jms. Aga võib-olla selline kohandamine, mis teeb isikupäraseks. Ka lõnga asendamisel võib püüda enam-vähem samasuguse meeleolu poole: näiteks, kui originaalis on koepind pisut karvane, siis on võimalik otsida ka mõni asenduslõng, mis annaks sarnase koepinna. Kuid võib minna teist teed. Meeli jaki õpetus on nüüd Ravelrys ja kooskudumine on täies hoos. Astrid (Dutchknitty Ravelrys) on valinud Dropsi Baby Alpaka Silk'i ja koob seda kahekordselt. Tulemus on ilus reljeefne pind. Kasutan pilte tema lahkel loal. Kui olete Ravelrys, vaadake ka teisi tema kudumeid!
There are different kinds of knitters. Some wish to produce an exact copy (whether it is possible in hand-knitting, is another matter altogether; if you have something to share about it, please comment). Some make greater or smaller adjustments. Adjusting can be of a purly technical nature, for instance, if your gauge differs from that of the original quite substantially, you have to make your own calculations etc. But there is a kind of adjustment that adds individual features to the knit. Also when substituting yarn one can strive towards the same look: for instance, if the fabric of the original is slightly fuzzy, you can look for a fuzzy yarn subsititute to get a similar fabric. Still, you can go another way. The pattern for Meeli's cardi is on Ravelry now and our KAL is in progress. Astrid (Dutchknitty on Ravelry) has opted for Drops Baby Alpaca Silk held double. The result is a lovely textured fabric. I am using the pictures with her permission. If you are on Ravelry, do have a look at her knits!
Thank you!
Dank u well!
There are different kinds of knitters. Some wish to produce an exact copy (whether it is possible in hand-knitting, is another matter altogether; if you have something to share about it, please comment). Some make greater or smaller adjustments. Adjusting can be of a purly technical nature, for instance, if your gauge differs from that of the original quite substantially, you have to make your own calculations etc. But there is a kind of adjustment that adds individual features to the knit. Also when substituting yarn one can strive towards the same look: for instance, if the fabric of the original is slightly fuzzy, you can look for a fuzzy yarn subsititute to get a similar fabric. Still, you can go another way. The pattern for Meeli's cardi is on Ravelry now and our KAL is in progress. Astrid (Dutchknitty on Ravelry) has opted for Drops Baby Alpaca Silk held double. The result is a lovely textured fabric. I am using the pictures with her permission. If you are on Ravelry, do have a look at her knits!
Thank you!
Dank u well!
pühapäev, 21. juuni 2015
Jälle valem/The formula again
Mia tuli Tallinna nädalavahetuseks. Tal oli kaelas rätik, kootud minu õpetuse järgi (Poolkuu Ravelrys), linasest lõngast, mille andsin talle siis, kui selgus, et mul sellest vestist oli kõvasti üle jäänud.
Mia came to Tallinn for this weekend. She was wearing a shawl (my pattern Poolkuu (Half-moon) on Ravelry), knitted from the remaining yarn I had given to her after having finished this vest.
Siis mõtlesin, et võiks osta veel sama lõnga ja teha topp. Võiks jälle eksperimenteerida valemiga, linane on selleks ideaalne materjal.
Then I thought I could purchase more of the same yarn and make a top. I would experiment with the formula, linen is ideal for it.
Sellise tegumoega kudumist on raske sotti saada, kui on kootud vähe. Kaenla all on juba 4-5 cm olemas. Proovisin selga, tundus paras.
If you have not knitted much, it is difficult to figure out this kind of knit. I have already worked 4-5 cm under arms. I tried it on and the fit was fine.
Nende jaoks, kes teavad valemi kohta: esitüki kaelusele võtsin 0,8 X. Võite öelda, et vähevõitu, aga tahtsin proovida ja tundub paras. Kahandused on äärtel ja nende rütm on teistsugune, kui valemi puhul.
For those who know about my formula: the neck opening of the front piece is 0.8 X. You can say that it is rather too little but I wanted to try it out and it is fine. The decreases are placed along the edges of the front piece and their pace is different from what is described in the pattern.
Mia came to Tallinn for this weekend. She was wearing a shawl (my pattern Poolkuu (Half-moon) on Ravelry), knitted from the remaining yarn I had given to her after having finished this vest.
Siis mõtlesin, et võiks osta veel sama lõnga ja teha topp. Võiks jälle eksperimenteerida valemiga, linane on selleks ideaalne materjal.
Then I thought I could purchase more of the same yarn and make a top. I would experiment with the formula, linen is ideal for it.
Sellise tegumoega kudumist on raske sotti saada, kui on kootud vähe. Kaenla all on juba 4-5 cm olemas. Proovisin selga, tundus paras.
If you have not knitted much, it is difficult to figure out this kind of knit. I have already worked 4-5 cm under arms. I tried it on and the fit was fine.
Nende jaoks, kes teavad valemi kohta: esitüki kaelusele võtsin 0,8 X. Võite öelda, et vähevõitu, aga tahtsin proovida ja tundub paras. Kahandused on äärtel ja nende rütm on teistsugune, kui valemi puhul.
For those who know about my formula: the neck opening of the front piece is 0.8 X. You can say that it is rather too little but I wanted to try it out and it is fine. The decreases are placed along the edges of the front piece and their pace is different from what is described in the pattern.
reede, 19. juuni 2015
Selle sviitri sain valmis täitsa märkamatult. Nüüd kuivab. Läks vähem kui nädal aega.
I finished this sweater as a matter-of-factly. It is drying now. It took less than a week.
Selle mustriga teen veel midagi. Kusjuures see on üsna lihtne.
I will definitely knit more with this stitch pattern. By the way, it is rather easy.
Ka nn pahupool pole paha!
There is nothing wrong with the wrong side either, so to say!
I finished this sweater as a matter-of-factly. It is drying now. It took less than a week.
Selle mustriga teen veel midagi. Kusjuures see on üsna lihtne.
I will definitely knit more with this stitch pattern. By the way, it is rather easy.
Ka nn pahupool pole paha!
There is nothing wrong with the wrong side either, so to say!
kolmapäev, 17. juuni 2015
Uus kooskudumine Ravelrys/A new KAL on Ravelry
Nüüd algab uus kooskudumine. See jakk on TFW kollektsiooni osa. Originaal meeldis mu leedu kolleegile, samuti Meelile, meie piltnikule. Esimene versioon sõitis Leetu, Meelile kudusin uue (alumine pilt). Kooskudumine toimub siin.
Now we start a new KAL. This cardi is a part of our Tallinn Fashion Week collection. My Lithuanian colleague liked the original and so did Meeli, our photographer. The first version found its way to Lithuania and I knitted a new one for Meeli (the bottom picture). The KAL is here.
Now we start a new KAL. This cardi is a part of our Tallinn Fashion Week collection. My Lithuanian colleague liked the original and so did Meeli, our photographer. The first version found its way to Lithuania and I knitted a new one for Meeli (the bottom picture). The KAL is here.
kooskudumine/knitting together,
pühapäev, 14. juuni 2015
Viimaks tütre kampsun/My daughter's cardi, at last
Näitan jaki pilte. Kaidi, tänan piltide eest!
Here are the picturs of the cardigan. Kaidi, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Cahsmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/320 m (55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashemere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic), ~330 g.
Vardad/Neeldes: 3,5 mm, 4 mm.
Here are the picturs of the cardigan. Kaidi, thanks for taking photos!
Lõng/Yarn: Cahsmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 100 g/320 m (55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashemere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic), ~330 g.
Vardad/Neeldes: 3,5 mm, 4 mm.
reede, 12. juuni 2015
Auguline topp/Eyelete top
Niisiis, topp on valmis. Millal saab korralikult pildistada, ei tea. Aga auguline muster paistab kenasti ka kodusel pildil.
So the top is finished. I don't know when I can get proper photos taken. But the eyelete pattern shows nicely in home pictures, too.
Varrukas on ripskoes.
The sleeves are in garter stitch.
Mustris on küllalt suured augud, seetõttu kudum venib pikkusesse. Aga sain õige pikkuse kätte!
The stitch pattern has large holes and this is why it stretches in the length. But I got the right length!
So the top is finished. I don't know when I can get proper photos taken. But the eyelete pattern shows nicely in home pictures, too.
Varrukas on ripskoes.
The sleeves are in garter stitch.
Mustris on küllalt suured augud, seetõttu kudum venib pikkusesse. Aga sain õige pikkuse kätte!
The stitch pattern has large holes and this is why it stretches in the length. But I got the right length!
mustrid/stitch patterns,
kolmapäev, 10. juuni 2015
Ajakirju Saksamaalt/Some magazines from Germany
Nagu olen korduvalt öelnud, rõõmustab mind Saksamaal (muudele asjadele lisaks) kudumisajakirjade rohkus ja nende kättesaadavus. Võite huvi pärast vaadata märksõna Saksamaa/Germany järgi. Eelkõige mustrivihik.
As I have mentioned on many occasions, I am rather pleased with the quantity and availability of knitting magazines in Germany (in addition to other things). If you want, have a look at the posts tagged Saksamaa/Germany. First of all, a collection of stitch patterns.
See pole sugugi ainuke, aga selle valisin väikeste auguliste mustrite pärast. Suveks (ja mitte ainult) sobib hästi. Siis ühes Frankfurdi lõngapoes avastasin elegantse Lana Grossa vihiku, kus on kudumid kolmele konkreetsele lõngale.
This is not the only one but I picked it up because of small eyelet patterns. Good for summer (and not only). Then in a yarn shop in Frankfurt I found an elegant booklet by Lana Grossa with knits for three particular kinds of yarn.
Vihik on ka internetist kättesaadav (pildid, mitte õpetused), aga mulle meeldib seda lehitseda ja vaadata ilusaid moefotosid.
The booklet is available on the internet (pictures only, not the patterns), but I love to browse it and to look at beautiful fashion photos.
Ja siis on Rebecca, mida Eestis kusagil pole (küll aga Leedus). Rebecca meeldib mulle sellepärast, et on palju kudumeid mohäärist ja mõnikord ka huvitavaid mustreid.
And here is Rebecca that is not available anywhere in Estonia (but it is in Lithuania). I like Rebecca because usually there are many mohair knits and sometimes some interesting stitch patterns.
Homme sõidan koju.
Tomorrow I return home.
As I have mentioned on many occasions, I am rather pleased with the quantity and availability of knitting magazines in Germany (in addition to other things). If you want, have a look at the posts tagged Saksamaa/Germany. First of all, a collection of stitch patterns.
See pole sugugi ainuke, aga selle valisin väikeste auguliste mustrite pärast. Suveks (ja mitte ainult) sobib hästi. Siis ühes Frankfurdi lõngapoes avastasin elegantse Lana Grossa vihiku, kus on kudumid kolmele konkreetsele lõngale.
This is not the only one but I picked it up because of small eyelet patterns. Good for summer (and not only). Then in a yarn shop in Frankfurt I found an elegant booklet by Lana Grossa with knits for three particular kinds of yarn.
Vihik on ka internetist kättesaadav (pildid, mitte õpetused), aga mulle meeldib seda lehitseda ja vaadata ilusaid moefotosid.
The booklet is available on the internet (pictures only, not the patterns), but I love to browse it and to look at beautiful fashion photos.
Ja siis on Rebecca, mida Eestis kusagil pole (küll aga Leedus). Rebecca meeldib mulle sellepärast, et on palju kudumeid mohäärist ja mõnikord ka huvitavaid mustreid.
And here is Rebecca that is not available anywhere in Estonia (but it is in Lithuania). I like Rebecca because usually there are many mohair knits and sometimes some interesting stitch patterns.
Homme sõidan koju.
Tomorrow I return home.
esmaspäev, 8. juuni 2015
Üht ja teist/Various matters
Meie topi kooskudumine jätkub. Õpetus on üleval Ravelrys. Mõned topid on juba valmis, väga kena, et kootakse erinevatest lõngadest ja lõngakombinatsoonidest, ei pea olema tingimata mohäär. See topp on Mareti kootud, suurepärane töö. Aitäh!
Our top KAL is going on. The pattern is available on Ravelry. Some have already finished their tops and it is quite nice that people use different yarns and yarn combinations, it does not have to be mohair. This top is knitted by Maret, what a splendid work. Thank you!
Ja siin on laupäeval alustatud töö. Vaatame, kas tuleb lühikese varrukaga topp või sviiter, oleneb, kas lõnga jätkub. Lõngast olen kirjutanud siin.
And here is the work I started on Saturday. We shall see whether it will be a short-sleeved top or a sweater because it depends on how much yarn I have. I have written about this yarn here.
Our top KAL is going on. The pattern is available on Ravelry. Some have already finished their tops and it is quite nice that people use different yarns and yarn combinations, it does not have to be mohair. This top is knitted by Maret, what a splendid work. Thank you!
Ja siin on laupäeval alustatud töö. Vaatame, kas tuleb lühikese varrukaga topp või sviiter, oleneb, kas lõnga jätkub. Lõngast olen kirjutanud siin.
And here is the work I started on Saturday. We shall see whether it will be a short-sleeved top or a sweater because it depends on how much yarn I have. I have written about this yarn here.
laupäev, 6. juuni 2015
Pilte/Some pictures
Kahjuks polnud kedagi, kes täna oleks mind pildistanud. Tegin paar pilti kodus, aga loodan, et ehk järgmisel nädalal veab.
Unfortunately no one could photograph me today. So I took a couple of pictures at home; still, I hope I will be lucky next week.
Lõng/Yarn: Cashmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashmere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 100 g/320 m, ~ 330 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
Unfortunately no one could photograph me today. So I took a couple of pictures at home; still, I hope I will be lucky next week.
Lõng/Yarn: Cashmere Gold (Madame Tricote), 55 % vill/wool, 5 % kašmiir/cashmere, 40 % akrüül/acrylic, 100 g/320 m, ~ 330 g.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm, 4 mm
neljapäev, 4. juuni 2015
Niisiis, mul oli teatud probleem, millest kirjutasin eelmises postituses. Ma ei ole üldse eksplitsiitsete taskute austaja ja minu riietuses on nad võimalikult märkamatud. Aga kuna tütar tahtis taskutega jakki, siis tuli mõelda. Probleem on selles, et muster on sakiline. Kui jaki kaelus ja alumine äär on kerge sakiga, ei ole see üldse paha. Taskute puhul võib aga häirida, kandilised oleksid kõige paremad. Iseenesest oli võimalik ka ripskude, kuna ripskoes on osa varrukaid ja nööbiliist. Kuid ei tundunud õige. Siis taipasin, et lahendus on diagonaalses kudumises (kui oleks pildistanud algust, siis oleks jälle postisus sarjast "see pole (rätik)" vms).
So I had a certain problem that I mentioned in my previous post. I am not an adherent of explicite pockets and pockets in my clothes are as discrete as possible. However, my daughter wanted pockets and I had to think it over. The problem is that the stich pattern forms a zigzag on the edges. If neck opening and bottom edge are in zigzag, it is not bad at all. But it might bother in the case of pockets, however. Rectangular pockets are more comfortable. As a matter of fact, garter stitch is possible as well because some parts of the sleeves and the button band are in garter. But it did not seem right. Then I realized that a solution is in the diagonal knitting (if I had photographed the beginning and posted here, it would have been a post of the sort "this is not (a shawl)" etc).
Nii et meil on mingit sorti sakid on siin olemas, neid tekitab kudumissuund. Samas on tasku ikka kandiline.
So we have a kind of zigzags here, formed with a certain direction of knitting. Still the pockets are rectangular.
So I had a certain problem that I mentioned in my previous post. I am not an adherent of explicite pockets and pockets in my clothes are as discrete as possible. However, my daughter wanted pockets and I had to think it over. The problem is that the stich pattern forms a zigzag on the edges. If neck opening and bottom edge are in zigzag, it is not bad at all. But it might bother in the case of pockets, however. Rectangular pockets are more comfortable. As a matter of fact, garter stitch is possible as well because some parts of the sleeves and the button band are in garter. But it did not seem right. Then I realized that a solution is in the diagonal knitting (if I had photographed the beginning and posted here, it would have been a post of the sort "this is not (a shawl)" etc).
Nii et meil on mingit sorti sakid on siin olemas, neid tekitab kudumissuund. Samas on tasku ikka kandiline.
So we have a kind of zigzags here, formed with a certain direction of knitting. Still the pockets are rectangular.
teisipäev, 2. juuni 2015
Kuivab, aga mitte veel valmis/Drying but not finished
Kampsun kuivab, aga pole veel valmis, sest tütar tahtis tingimata taskuid. Ise asi, kas niisugusele kampsunile sobivad, aga kui ta soovib, siis teen. Mõtlesin, et kampsun võib niikaua kuivada ja teen taskud homme.
The cardi is drying but is not completed because my daughter wanted pockets in any case. It is a different story altogether whether pockets are suitable for such a cardy but I will do as she has requested. I think that the cardi can dry and meanwhile I will make the pockets tomorrow.
The cardi is drying but is not completed because my daughter wanted pockets in any case. It is a different story altogether whether pockets are suitable for such a cardy but I will do as she has requested. I think that the cardi can dry and meanwhile I will make the pockets tomorrow.
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