neljapäev, 4. juuni 2015


Niisiis, mul oli teatud probleem, millest kirjutasin eelmises postituses. Ma ei ole üldse eksplitsiitsete taskute austaja ja minu riietuses on nad võimalikult märkamatud. Aga kuna tütar tahtis taskutega jakki, siis tuli mõelda. Probleem on selles, et muster on sakiline. Kui jaki kaelus ja alumine äär on kerge sakiga, ei ole see üldse paha. Taskute puhul võib aga häirida, kandilised oleksid kõige paremad. Iseenesest oli võimalik ka ripskude, kuna ripskoes on osa varrukaid ja nööbiliist. Kuid ei tundunud õige. Siis taipasin, et lahendus on diagonaalses kudumises (kui oleks pildistanud algust, siis oleks jälle postisus sarjast "see pole (rätik)" vms).
So I had a certain problem that I mentioned in my previous post. I am not an adherent of explicite pockets and pockets in my clothes are as discrete as possible. However, my daughter wanted pockets and I had to think it over. The problem is that the stich pattern forms a zigzag on the edges. If neck opening and bottom edge are in zigzag, it is not bad at all. But it might bother in the case of pockets, however. Rectangular pockets are more comfortable. As a matter of fact, garter stitch is possible as well because some parts of the sleeves and the button band are in garter. But it did not seem right. Then I realized that a solution is in the diagonal knitting (if I had photographed the beginning and posted here, it would have been a post of the sort "this is not (a shawl)" etc).
Nii et meil on mingit sorti sakid on siin olemas, neid tekitab kudumissuund. Samas on tasku ikka kandiline.
So we have a kind of zigzags here, formed with a certain direction of knitting. Still the pockets are rectangular.

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