Proovisin üht ja teist, hakkasin kuduma sirbikujulist rätikut, aga ei meeldinud. Tundus liiga tihke. Formaalselt pole lõng jäme, 100 g/400 m, aga jälle tuleb rõhutada, et lõnga metraaž ei ütle veel kõike, samuti koostis mitte, sest lõnga olek sõltub töötlusest. Siis proovisin veel ühte kolmnurkset moodust, aga labane kude ei olnud ilus. Selle kolmnurkse jaoks oleks vaja peenemat lõnga, igatahes skeem on arvutis ja ootab tegemist.
I've been trying this and that and started knitting a sickle-shaped shawl but I disliked it. It seemed too dense. Based on formal criteria, the yarn is not thick at all, 100 g/400 m, yet this is again a right place to stress that yarn weight does not contain all necessary information, neither does the fiber composition because the way how the yarn is depends a lot on how it is manufactured. Then I tried a triangular shape but stockinette was not nice. This triangular shape requires a lighter yarn but in any case I have the chart on my computer waiting.
Niisiis, võrguline sall, seekord pisut laiem ja sinilillast villasest lõngast. Tahtsin kududa värvi üleminekuni ja näidata, aga valget aega on nii vähe, et näitan kohe.
Thus, the net-like scarf pattern, this time slightly wider and from blue-purple wool. I wanted to knit up to the colour transition and to show it but the light time is very short, so I have to show now.
Võrduseks olemasoleva salliga. Mulle tundub, et pildil on näha vahet pesemata ja pestud kudumi vahel. Sall läheb poodi näidiseks.
A comparison with the existing scarf. I think the picture demonstrates the difference between unwashed and wahsed knit. The scarf will be a sample for a store.
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