Topp on valmis ja kuiv. Loodetavasti saab lähiajal ka minu seljas pildistada. Kes homme tundi tulevad, näevad oma silmaga. Pärast niisutamist ja mõningast pingutamist on näha, et muster on päris hea (selles mõttes, et lihtne, kergesti modifitseeritav, kahepoolne).
The top is finished and dry. Hopefully, there will be modelled pictures soon. Those who come tomorrow to my class will be able to see it. After moistening and light blocking it is clear that the stitch pattern is quite nice (meaning: simple, easily modifiable, reversible).
Alustasin kohe midagi uut, paistab, et seekord patent töötab, aga lõplikult saab öelda hiljem. Homme tunnis näitan ka, plaan on teha samasugune konstruktsioon, nii et sobib meie teemaga. Nii et töö käib.
I immediately started something new and it appears that this time patent stitch is working but probably I will be able to confirm it a little bit later. I will show the new project tomorrow in my class because the plan is to do the same construction, so it agrees with our topic. Thus, the work is going on.
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