See on mustjashall, haruldane värv, täiesti minu unistus. Mohäär on üsna peenike, mõtlesin esialgu kokku panna mõne peenvillasega, aga ka siis selgus, et on ikka hõre. Siis võtsin mohääri kahekordselt ja lisasin ühe peenikese poolvillase lõnga. Vahepeal kartsin, et on äkki liiga paks koepind, aga vist mitte. Nüüd on alustatud teine varrukas ja allapoole tuleb veel ka kududa.
This is greyish black, a seldom colour, totally my dream. The mohair is rather thin and in the beginning I intended to combine it with some laceweight wool but then it came out it was too loose. Then I took two strands of mohair and laceweight half-wool half-polyamide yarn. Meanwhile I feared that it may be too thick but now I think it is fine. The second sleeve started and I have to work on torso some more.
kolmapäev, 29. november 2017
esmaspäev, 27. november 2017
Veel pilte/More pictures
Nüüd saate näha rätiku pikkust ja laiust. Sonata, aitäh piltide eest!
Now you can see the length and the width of the shawl. Sonata, many thanks for the pics!
Sonata, ačiū už nuotaukas!
Rätiku kuju on päris mugav: on olemas nurk, kui tahta, et eest oleks kaetud, samas on sisekülg nõgus ja otsad pikad ja saab ümber kaela mässida.
The shape is quite comfortable: there is a corner if you want to get the front covered, at the same time the inner side is bow-like and the ends are long, so you can easily twine the shawl around your neck.
Lõng/Yarn: 1) Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), ~50 g/200m; 2) Haapsalu (Midara), ~ 15 g/200 m; 3) tundmatu villane/unknown wool ~50 g/160-170 m, ~ 45 g.
Vardad/Neeldes: 6 mm
Now you can see the length and the width of the shawl. Sonata, many thanks for the pics!
Sonata, ačiū už nuotaukas!
Rätiku kuju on päris mugav: on olemas nurk, kui tahta, et eest oleks kaetud, samas on sisekülg nõgus ja otsad pikad ja saab ümber kaela mässida.
The shape is quite comfortable: there is a corner if you want to get the front covered, at the same time the inner side is bow-like and the ends are long, so you can easily twine the shawl around your neck.
Lõng/Yarn: 1) Merino Gold (Madame Tricote), ~50 g/200m; 2) Haapsalu (Midara), ~ 15 g/200 m; 3) tundmatu villane/unknown wool ~50 g/160-170 m, ~ 45 g.
Vardad/Neeldes: 6 mm
laupäev, 25. november 2017
Olen praegu Leedus. Sain rätiku valmis ja pildistasin kohe Diteksase poes (taustal on mohääripoolid). veel pesemata ja pingutamata, et oleks arusaadav, mis on vahe.
I am in Lithuania now. I finished the shawl and quickly photographed it at the Diteksas store (you can see mohair cones in the background), still unwashed and unbocked, so that the difference can be seen.
Siin on arusaadav, milline on kuju.
Here you can get an idea about the shape.
Muster ja värvivahetuskoht.
The pattern and the point of colour change.
Window photos.
I am in Lithuania now. I finished the shawl and quickly photographed it at the Diteksas store (you can see mohair cones in the background), still unwashed and unbocked, so that the difference can be seen.
Here you can get an idea about the shape.
Muster ja värvivahetuskoht.
The pattern and the point of colour change.
Window photos.
Nagu näha, on selline väljavenitatud kolmnurk, mille sisekülg on ümar ja otsad kipuvad spiraali. Lühikesed read sobisid kokku mustriga.
As you can see, it is a stretched triangle with curved inner side and the ends going spiral. Short rows woked well with the stitch pattern.
neljapäev, 23. november 2017
Võrguline rätik/Mesh shawl
Kirjutasin siin, et alustasin rätikut. Aga lõng ei sobinud kuidagi selle mustri jaoks, koepind ei meeldinud. Mis siis ikka, võtsin appi peenvillase ja koon praegu Limericki rätiku mustriga. Aga mõtlen, et äkki tuleb üks modifikatsioon.
I wrote here that I had started a shawl. But the yarn was not compatible with the stitch pattern and I did not like the fabric. So what, I combined it with laceweight wool and now knit in the Limerick shawl pattern. But I think that maybe there will be a modification.

Close view:
Nüüd tundub, et tuleb pärast ka üks sviiter valmis kududa. Minu käest on küsitud nn minimaalse sviitri kohta, plaanin järgmiseks koolituseks materjal valmis kirjutada ja ilmselt tuleb Ravelrys millalgi ka kooskudumine.
Now it seems that afterwards I have to make a sweater. I have received questions about so-called minimal sweater, so I plan to compose materials for the next series of lectures and at some point do a KAL on Ravelry.
I wrote here that I had started a shawl. But the yarn was not compatible with the stitch pattern and I did not like the fabric. So what, I combined it with laceweight wool and now knit in the Limerick shawl pattern. But I think that maybe there will be a modification.
Close view:
Nüüd tundub, et tuleb pärast ka üks sviiter valmis kududa. Minu käest on küsitud nn minimaalse sviitri kohta, plaanin järgmiseks koolituseks materjal valmis kirjutada ja ilmselt tuleb Ravelrys millalgi ka kooskudumine.
Now it seems that afterwards I have to make a sweater. I have received questions about so-called minimal sweater, so I plan to compose materials for the next series of lectures and at some point do a KAL on Ravelry.
teisipäev, 21. november 2017
Rakvere rõngad/Rakvere rings
Panen selle salli nimeks "Rakvere rõngad", sest sain selle valmis just Rakvere sõiduks. Sealsamas moepäeval sai ka pildistatud, fotograaf Erika Renel. Suur tänu!
I call this scarf "Rakvere rings" because I finished it just before my Rakvere trip. I had the photos taken during the fashion day, many thanks to the photograper Erika Renel!
Lõng/Yarn: Angora (Madame Tricote), 100 g/500 m, ~ 450 m; Haapsalu (Midara), 100 g/1400 m, ~450 m.
Vardad/Neeldes: 6 mm
I call this scarf "Rakvere rings" because I finished it just before my Rakvere trip. I had the photos taken during the fashion day, many thanks to the photograper Erika Renel!
Lõng/Yarn: Angora (Madame Tricote), 100 g/500 m, ~ 450 m; Haapsalu (Midara), 100 g/1400 m, ~450 m.
Vardad/Neeldes: 6 mm
pühapäev, 19. november 2017
Üht ja teist/This and that
Rakveres ei läinud nii, nagu ma arvasin, sest publik oli juhuslik ja mitte just kudumis- või moedsiainihuvilised. Aga pole midagi, kogemus on kasulik ja järgmine kord tean paremini, mida teha. Alustasin sviitrit, aga mulle ei meeldinud, kuidas parempidine kude välja näeb. Võib-olla oleks pidanud juurde panema mõne peenikese lõnga ja võtma jämedamad vardad. See imelik must ring pildil on kohv, valgus langes nii, et topsi pole näha.
In Rakvere it dit not go as I thought it would because there was just general public and not exactly those who are interested in knitting or fashion design. But this is not bad, the experience is useful and next time I know better. I started a sweater but I did not like how stockinette appears. Maybe I should have added some thin yarn and used larger needes. This strange back ring in the picture is coffee, the light fell in such a way that the cup remained invisible.
Ja lõpuks meeldetuletus: minu käest on jälle küsitud, millal õpetan, nii et panen uuesti selle kuulutuse siia.
And finaly a reminder: I was asked again when I teach, so I am posting this announcement one more time (sorry, Estonian only).
In Rakvere it dit not go as I thought it would because there was just general public and not exactly those who are interested in knitting or fashion design. But this is not bad, the experience is useful and next time I know better. I started a sweater but I did not like how stockinette appears. Maybe I should have added some thin yarn and used larger needes. This strange back ring in the picture is coffee, the light fell in such a way that the cup remained invisible.
Otsustasin, et teen jälle augulise salli, aga väikeste modifikatsioonidega. Kirjutan sellest järgmine kord, kui on rohkem kootud.
I decided that I will make a holey scarf again but with some modifications. I will write about it next time when I will have knitted some more.
Ja lõpuks meeldetuletus: minu käest on jälle küsitud, millal õpetan, nii et panen uuesti selle kuulutuse siia.
And finaly a reminder: I was asked again when I teach, so I am posting this announcement one more time (sorry, Estonian only).
reede, 17. november 2017
Auguline sall valmis/Holey scarf is finished
Väga lõbus kudumine oli, peab ütlema. Sall kasvab kiiresti. Muidugi on veninud pikkusesse ja on üsna pikk, vist üle 2 m. Aga pole viga, saab kaks korda ümber keerata. Peaks tegema veel midagi augulist! Kaks ülemist pilti on tehtud proovikabiinis, siis oli sall veel pooleli.
It was quite fun to knit this, I have to say. The scarf grows fast. Of course it has stretched lengthwise and is quite long, probably, over 2. But it is fine, I can twist it two times around my neck. I should make sometehing else with holes! Two top pictures were made in a fitting cabin, the scarf was still under construction then.
Homme PopYUup Moepäeval ehk pildistab mind keegi. Kui Rakvere kudujad loevad mind, tulge homme Põhjakeskusesse.
I hope someone will take modelled pictures tomorrow at PopYuUp Fashion Day. In case Rakvere knitters are reading me, please come to Põhjakeskus tomorrow.
It was quite fun to knit this, I have to say. The scarf grows fast. Of course it has stretched lengthwise and is quite long, probably, over 2. But it is fine, I can twist it two times around my neck. I should make sometehing else with holes! Two top pictures were made in a fitting cabin, the scarf was still under construction then.
Homme PopYUup Moepäeval ehk pildistab mind keegi. Kui Rakvere kudujad loevad mind, tulge homme Põhjakeskusesse.
I hope someone will take modelled pictures tomorrow at PopYuUp Fashion Day. In case Rakvere knitters are reading me, please come to Põhjakeskus tomorrow.
kolmapäev, 15. november 2017
Alustasin eile niisugust augulist salli. Kuna koepind on labase koe põhjal, siis läheb keerdu, aga antud juhul pole väga oluline (kusagil internetis nägin hiljuti väga ilusaid, lihtsaid linaseid salle, mis lähevad ka keerdu, kahjuks ei säiltanud endale pilte). Vaatame, mis välja tuleb.
Yesterday I started this holey scarf. Because the fabric is based on stockinette, it curls but it is irrelevant in this case (I've recently seen on the internet some lovely simple linen scarves that curl as well but unfortunately did not save the photos). We shall see.
Nagu alumises fotos on näha, koos on kaks lõnga. Must on Haapsalu (Midara, villane, 100 g/1400 m) ja hall on Angora (Madame Tricote, mohäär ja polüamiid, 100 g/500 m), vardad 6 mm.
As you can see in the bottom picture, I am using two strands together. The black oe is Haapsalu (Midara, wool, 100 g/1400 m) and the grey one is Angora (Madame Tricote, mohair ja polyamide, 100 g/500 m), needles 6 mm.
Yesterday I started this holey scarf. Because the fabric is based on stockinette, it curls but it is irrelevant in this case (I've recently seen on the internet some lovely simple linen scarves that curl as well but unfortunately did not save the photos). We shall see.
Nagu alumises fotos on näha, koos on kaks lõnga. Must on Haapsalu (Midara, villane, 100 g/1400 m) ja hall on Angora (Madame Tricote, mohäär ja polüamiid, 100 g/500 m), vardad 6 mm.
As you can see in the bottom picture, I am using two strands together. The black oe is Haapsalu (Midara, wool, 100 g/1400 m) and the grey one is Angora (Madame Tricote, mohair ja polyamide, 100 g/500 m), needles 6 mm.
esmaspäev, 13. november 2017
Jälle sama/The same again
Mul oli sokilõnga jääke. Loogiline, et panin juurde peenvillast ja peenikest mohääri ja tahtsin jälle teha samas vaimus salli, nagu eelminegi. Kuna kudusin üsna jämeda vardaga, siis venis poolpatentkude pikkusesse, vaatamata sellele, et üks lõngadest on mohäär. Lõpetades sain salli keerata ümber kaela üks kord, pärast niisutust ja kuivatmist aga kaks korda. Sall on üsna kohev ja soe.
I had sockyarn leftovers. Quite logically I combined them with laceweight wool and thin mohair and wanted to make another scarf similar to the recent one. As I worked with rather thick needles, half-brioche stitch stretched in the length, despite the fact that one of the yarns ows mohair. After binding off I was able to twine the scarf one time but after moisteing and blockin two times. The scarf is rather fluffy and warm.
Mängisin natuke fotoefektidega.
I played a little bit with photoeffects.
I had sockyarn leftovers. Quite logically I combined them with laceweight wool and thin mohair and wanted to make another scarf similar to the recent one. As I worked with rather thick needles, half-brioche stitch stretched in the length, despite the fact that one of the yarns ows mohair. After binding off I was able to twine the scarf one time but after moisteing and blockin two times. The scarf is rather fluffy and warm.
Mängisin natuke fotoefektidega.
I played a little bit with photoeffects.
laupäev, 11. november 2017
Kolmas õde/The third sister
Mõnikord juhtub nii, et mõtlen välja mingi konstruktsiooni või mudeli, pärast tulen selle juurde tagasi iga natukese aja tagant. Eriti kui see konstruktsioon või mudel on paindlik ja pole lõnga suhtes nõudlik. See on juba kolmas sall selles sarjas (ehk kolmas õde). Lõngad, nende kombinatisoonid, vardanumbrid, laiused ja pikkused on erinevad, aga loogika on sama. See sall läheb kingituseks.
Sometimes it happens that I come up with some construction or model and later return to it evey now and then. Especially if the construction/model is flexible and not demanding a particular kind of yarn. This is already the thid scarf in the series (that is, the third sister). The yarns, combinations therof, needle sizes, width and length differ but the logic is the same. This scarf is for a present.
Lõng/Yarn: Bilby (50 g/175 m), ~ 430 m; Haapsalu (100 g/400 m), ~ 35 g
Vardad/Needles: 6 mm
Sometimes it happens that I come up with some construction or model and later return to it evey now and then. Especially if the construction/model is flexible and not demanding a particular kind of yarn. This is already the thid scarf in the series (that is, the third sister). The yarns, combinations therof, needle sizes, width and length differ but the logic is the same. This scarf is for a present.
Lõng/Yarn: Bilby (50 g/175 m), ~ 430 m; Haapsalu (100 g/400 m), ~ 35 g
Vardad/Needles: 6 mm
patent/patent stitch,
neljapäev, 9. november 2017
Jälle sall/A scarf again
See sall läheb kingituseks. Värv on tegelikult üsna tume sinine. Tegin paar pilti koepinnast (ühel pildil on lausa hall, aga muster on hästi selge). Patent- ja poolpaetentkoel on mingi eriline võlu, ei väsi seda kudumast.
This scarf is meant as a present. The colour is actually quite dark blue. I took a couple of pictures of the fabric (it seems grey in one of the pictures but you can see the pattern). There is some special magic in brioche and half-brioche stitch, I cannot help kitting it again and again.
This scarf is meant as a present. The colour is actually quite dark blue. I took a couple of pictures of the fabric (it seems grey in one of the pictures but you can see the pattern). There is some special magic in brioche and half-brioche stitch, I cannot help kitting it again and again.
teisipäev, 7. november 2017
Üks vana sviiter/An old sweater
Eelmise aasta novembris ostsin Mardilaadal ilusat tumehalli villast. Firma nimi on Ropkamõisa Lõngapood. Seal on palju ilusat villast lõnga. Hakkasin selle aasta alguses sviitrit kuduma. Ilus ühtlane lõng, kõik oli suurepärane, aga siis selgus, et mul jääb puudu umbes niipalju, et kududa alla soonik. Uurisin firmast järele, ega sellist lõnga ei saa juurde. Seda halli ei olnud. Küsisin mitu korda veel, ikka polnud. Nüüd mõtlesin, et miks kudum seisab, tuleb kas kinkida kellelegi või harutada ja teha midagi muud. Läksin siis Domus Linumisse, Külli proovis selga ja talle sobis! Harutasin siis natuke labast kude ja tegin sooniku. Pärast pesu läks koepind veelgi kenamaks. Mul on hea meel, et asi lahenes.
Last year at St. Martin's Day Fair I bought some lovely dark grey wool. The name of the firm is Ropkamõisa Lõgapood, they have a lot of beautiul wool. In the beginning of this year I started knitting a sweater. Beautiful even yarn, everything went well but later it turned out that I need some more, just to make the ribbing on the hem. I asked in th store whether they have the same yarn. They did not have the same kind of grey. I kept asking from time to time but the answer was still "no". Then I thought: why is it just sitting unfinished, I should either give it as a present or rip and make something else. So I went to Domus Linum and Külli tried on and it fitted! I ripped out a bit of stockinette and made ribbing instead. After washing the fabric became even more beautiful. I am very glad that the matter was resolved.
Last year at St. Martin's Day Fair I bought some lovely dark grey wool. The name of the firm is Ropkamõisa Lõgapood, they have a lot of beautiul wool. In the beginning of this year I started knitting a sweater. Beautiful even yarn, everything went well but later it turned out that I need some more, just to make the ribbing on the hem. I asked in th store whether they have the same yarn. They did not have the same kind of grey. I kept asking from time to time but the answer was still "no". Then I thought: why is it just sitting unfinished, I should either give it as a present or rip and make something else. So I went to Domus Linum and Külli tried on and it fitted! I ripped out a bit of stockinette and made ribbing instead. After washing the fabric became even more beautiful. I am very glad that the matter was resolved.
pühapäev, 5. november 2017
Kolme lõnga sviitri pilte/Pictures of Three Yarns Sweater
Näitan pilte (Kristiina Jeromans, suur tänu!).
Here are the pictures (Kristiina Jeromans, many thanks!).
Lõng/Yarn: 1) mohäär/mohair (~ 100g/1000 m), ~75 g; 2) viskoos-vill-polüamiid/rayon-wool-polyamide (~100 g/1500 m), ~ 50 g; 3) Loden (100 g/1500 m), ~50 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
Here are the pictures (Kristiina Jeromans, many thanks!).
Lõng/Yarn: 1) mohäär/mohair (~ 100g/1000 m), ~75 g; 2) viskoos-vill-polüamiid/rayon-wool-polyamide (~100 g/1500 m), ~ 50 g; 3) Loden (100 g/1500 m), ~50 g.
Vardad/Needles: 4 mm, 4,5 mm
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