As the title says, I am going to share the rayon-cotton blend impressions. The yarn is very smooth and has a nice shine about it. Of course it splits if you accidentally insert a needle in a wrong way; however, I have much worse experience with YarnArt Summer. Although the yarn is slippery, paradoxically, metal needles seem better than wooden needles.
Muster pole eriti nähtav. Siiski on mingi vihje. Tahtsin, et nurkkrae kahandamised jätkuksid mustris, loodetavasti kahandamiste rada on nähtav.
The stitch pattern is not much visible. Still there is a kind of hint. I wanted the double decreases of the collar to continue in the pattern; hopefully, the chain of double decreases is visible.
Kuigi lõng ise on sile ja pehme, kootav pind ei ole ühtlane. See pole mingi probleem, selles on oma võlu. Pasitab, et ei tasu mustritega üle koormata. Vähemalt praegu tundub nii.
Although the yarn is smooth and soft, the fabric is uneven. It is not exactly a problem, in fact, it has its own charm. It appears that it is not a wise idea to exaggerate with lace patterns. At least it seems so for now.
Kootud on niipalju:
So far I have this much:
6 kommentaari:
Anna, nice start :-)) I like the little pattern in the adds visual interest to plain st. st. :-)) I think blocking should take care of uneven fabric if you want to :-))
Deena (deenulya from Ravelry)
Hieno idea Anna! Näyttää hyvältä tuo kuvio, minusta se olikin hieman sääli kun ne kauniit kavennukset jäivät kokonaan kauluksen alle piiloon. Tuo on jotenkin luonnollinen jatkumo kavennuksille!
This yarn looks really soft. Thank you for sharing it with us, Anna ;)
Deena, thank you. I have no idea how this yarn blocks but, on the other hand, this unevenness may be even nice:).
Helena, kiitos, toivottavasti ne kavennukset ei enää ole piilossa:).
Eliana, thanks, I believe this yarn is good for summer.
Küll sul ikka käib kiirelt, aga tundub et midagi põnevat on jälle tulemas.
Lulla, tänan! Kiirelt läheb sellepärast, et 1) konstruktsioon on sissetöötatud (abilõngaga ülevalt alla alustamine ja nurkkrae ka), 2) tean juba antud jämedusega lõnga kohta, mitu silma luua.
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