Mäletate ehk seda postitust. Väga tore muster. Sellega tasub veel eksperimenteerida. Lõpuks tuli välja selline suur, ühe pika otsaga, asümmeetriline rätik.
You probably remember this post. A wondreful stitch. It is worth experimenting with it further. Finally, what came out is this large asymmetrical shawl with one long end.
Nagu varem öeldud, lõng on Diteksasest pärit polüamiidi pael, arvan, et 400-500 m/100 g, vardad 5 mm (see muster tahab jämedamat varrast). Oleks huvitav näha seda mustrit mõne muu lõngaga kootuna, eelkõige villasega. Pesu järel rätik ei veninud, kuid muster avanes rohkem. Kui keegi tahab läbi kududa, andke palun märku. Teen kindlasti õpetuse, aga kena oleks, kui keegi testiks.
As stated earlier, the yarn is a polyamide ribbon from Diteksas, I assume about 400-500 m/100 g, needles 5 mm (this pattern asks for thicker needles). It would be good to see the pattern in a different yarn, first and foremoste in wool. The shawl did not stretch after washing but the fabric opened up. If anyone wants to try it out, please let me know. I will certanly write up a pattern but it would be nice if somebody would test it.
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