Yesterday I came home when it was too dark for taking pictures. I am showing now what I have done so far. This is the pattern of the button panels and the collar:
Eile alustasin varrukat:
I started one sleeve yesterday:
Kerele on kulunud peaaegu 1 tokk (100 g). Krae + nööbiliistud + varruka hakatis on juba teisest tokist, see on poole peal. Arvan, et kuna mul on veel 1 tokk, siis saan teha pikad varrukad.
I used up almost 1 ball (100 g) for the torso part. The collar + button bands + the start of the sleeve are already from the second ball that is approximately in the middle. As I have one more ball, I believe I can make long sleeves.
Nüüd natuke teooriat, nagu pealkirjas lubatud. Esiteks, alguses võib tunduda, et nööbiliistud peaksid olema hästi laiad, lausa terve esitüki jagu. Kui aga silmused on üles korjatud ja kasvõi paar rida kootud, enam nii ei tundu. Teiseks, mõtlesin muidugi mustri peale. Teoreetiliselt oleks võinud teha ripskoes (alumine äär ongi ripskoes). Samas on ripskude lõdvem, kui labasel parempidisel põhinev pitsimuster. Seega, kui ripsi on hästi palju, võib juhtuda, et see hakkab venima, eriti alumine äär. Samas ei tahtnud ma soonikut (olete vist märganud, et kasutan seda üpris harva) ega mingit muud pitsimustrit, sest siis oleks seda ilu liiga palju ja minu arust pole midagi hullemat, kui ülekoormatud kudum või rõivas üldse. Appi tulevad igasugused lihtsad augulised mustrid, ripsi ja parempidise vaheldus jms. Ei veni, kudumistihedus ei erine radikaalselt, samas ei ole üle pakutud.
Now some theory, as promised in the title. First, in the beginning one may feel that the button bands should be rather wide, almost equal to the front in size. But after the stitches are picked up and you have at least a couple of rows, you don't thinks so anymore. Second, I was pondering on the stitch pattern (but of course!). Theoretically, I could have used garter stitch, since the bottom edge is already in garter. On the other hand, garter stitch has a more loose gauge compared to stockinette or a lace pattern based on stockinette. Which means that, if there is plenty of garter stitch, it may start stretching, especially the bottom edge. At the same time I did not want ribbing (you have probably noticed that I use it rather seldom) and no other lace pattern because in this case there would be too much of everything and, in my opinion, nothing can be worse than an overloaded knitwear or a garment in general. Simple eyelet patterns, alternation of garter and stockinette come to rescue. The fabric does not stretch, the gauge is not radically different and, at the same time, the whole thing is not too busy.
3 kommentaari:
I love what you come up with for the button bands :-)) Looks lovely ;-))
Väga tore töö. Kusjuures igal pildil on toon erinev - kas ka päris elus selline kameeleon? Põnevam oleks...
Diana, thank you very much!
Arnikai, aitäh! Värviga on nii, et igas arvutis võib tunduda erinev, teiseks on seda ka raske pildistada. Värvi ametlik nimi on "malachite", on tõepoolest sügavroheline. Samas on see käsitsi värvitud lõng ja värv on tõesti pisut ebaühtlane. See ongi põhjus, miks valisin lainelise mustri, niisugustele lõngadele sobib hästi.
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