Seekord lühike postitus ilma piltideta. Rätik valmib, mõlemad pooled on piisavalt suured ja kahjuks pole valgel ajal olnud võimalik pildistada. Plaanis on täna-homme lõpetada. Loodetavasti kuivab kiiresti ära. Nagu olen varem kirjutanud, olen lõngaga rahul. Lähiajal on plaanis midagi mohäärist ja peenikesest meriinost. Mitmed õpetused on töös või testimisel. Mõnusat kudumist kõigile!
This time it will be a short post without pictures. The sawl is almost finished, both halves are large enough and unfortunately I had no opportunity to take pictures during the light time of the day. I intend to finish it today or tomorrow. Hopefully, it will dry quickly. As I have written earlier, I am pleased with the yarn. In the nearest future there will be something from mohair and laceweight merino held together. Several patterns are being written or tested. I wish a pleasant knitting time to everybody!
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