Minuga pole kunagi juhtunud, et koepind kisub viltu. Märkasin, kui sai kootud tubli tükk.
It has never happened to me that the knitted fabric is biased. I discovered this after having knitted quite a lot.
Mõni ütleb: nojah, ringselt kudumine jms. Aga asi on lõnga keerus. Koos on kaks puuvillast, mõlemad tugeva keeruga. Ja nüüd uurin oma proovilappi, mis pole ringselt kootud, ja saan aru, et tegelikult ka see kisub viltu. Pole midagi hullu, saab alati midagi õppida.
Some may say: but of course, it is knitting in the round to blame. But it is about twist of the yarn. I have two cotton yarns together, both have a strong twist. And I am examining my swatch that is worked flat and realize that this one is biased, too. No prolem, you can always learn something
Ja midagi muud: eile käis siin Mia, temaga koos kudusime kohvikus, oli meeldiv, nagu alati.
Something else: yesterday Mia came to Tallinn and we sat together and knitted in a café, it was nice as always.
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