Jah, igaüks teab, et lõnga valimine on tore ja huvitav, aga samas oleneb sellest kogu kudumi "saatus". Muidugimõista kui hankida lõnga sellepärast, et meeldib, siis seda probleemi pole, aga siis tuleb hiljem välja mõelda, milleks see lõng sobib. Tavaliselt on mul meeles konkreetne kudum, milleks tahan lõnga, aga nt välismaal olles võin osta lõnga sellepärast, et meeldib (siiski, ka siis kujutan ette vähemalt esialgselt, mida sellest teha, kuigi plaan võib muutuda).
Yes, everybody knows that choosing a yarn is pleasant and interesting but the whole "destiny" of your knit depends on a right choice. Of course if you get yarn just because you like it, you don't have this problem but still you have to think in the future what this yarn is good for. Usually I have a particular project in mind and choose yarn accordingly but when abroad, I can purchase yarn just because I like it (still, I have at least a prelinimary idea what to do with it, although the plan can change eventually).

Siin on juba teile tuttavad lõngad (vt eelmine postitus), aga teine pilt. Hoian käes halli ja musta. Selle pildi saatis Marianne Adéle Mohair firmale, et nad teaksid, kes teeb kruiisirätiku disaini. Muide, leppisime juba kokku rätiku kuju kohta, hakkasin juba koekirju vaatama. Hall on mohääri ja linase segu, selle valisin küll. Aga musta ma ei võtnud, sest on suhteliselt karvane, pole mõtet mingeid mustreid teha. Teine asi, et kombinatsioonis mõne peenvillasega oleks kena labases koes sviiter, aga praegu räägime ikka konkreetsest kudumist, mitte sellest, mis oleks teoreetiliselt kena. Küllap jõuab ka sviitri teha.
Here you see familiar yarns (cf previous post) but a different picture. I am holding gray and black mohair. Marianne has sent this picture to Adéle Mohair so that they should know who is desiging the cruise shawl. By the way, we have already agreed on the shape of the shawl and I started thinking of stitch patterns. The gray one is mohair-linen blend, I picked up this. But I decided against black because it is relatively hairy and there is no point to make any pattern with it. Of course, combined with some laceweight wool it will make a nice sweater in stockinette stitch but we are talking about a particular knit here and not theorizing what would be nice. There will be time for a sweater, too.