The swatch appeared fine to me and I started knitting. Now I have appr. 47 cm, 8 repeats. The colour is not quite right in the first picture, the second one is better. I modified the number of purl stitches in order to get the right width. There is one purl stitch between the repeats. Lovely stitch pattern, it matches the yarn perfectly.
Kõik on kena, ainult väike tehniline probleem: mul on kuri kahtlus, et olen sellele lõngale allergiline. Silmad on vesised. Tahaks uskuda, et ma ei ole allergiline villasele lõngale kui sellisele. Üks tuttav oletas, et asi võib olla isegi konkreetse lõnga värvis. Oleks kahju, kui ei saaks jätkata.
Everything is fine but I have a small technicdal problem, namely, I strongly suspect that this yarn causes allergy. My eyes are full of tears. I would like to belive that I am not allergic to wool as such. A friend supposed that maybe the problem is the dye of this particfular yarn. It would be very sad if I cannot continue.
2 kommentaari:
Tuo väriallergisuus on vähän harvinaisempaa.Anoppini on mustalle tekstiilivärille allerginen. Itse olen siniselle ja mustalle elintarvikevärille allerginen.
Olisinpa osannut informoida sinua messuista.
Hauskaa viikkoa sinulle!
Hei Katja, kiitos, ei se mitään, neulon nyt edelleen, sitten katsotaan, miten käy. Kyllä ehdin vielä käydä messuilla!
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