If you have too big a choice, it is no good either. Lots of ideas but you cannot do everything at once. I made up my mind, I will put mohair aside for a while. Especially because I got yarn for my new knitting project. I bought it at so-called Epp's shop (a small yarn shop in front of the Kosmos cinema in Tallinn, many locals know it). It is Shetland tweed. Now more about the project.
Enda jaoks nimetan seda "kavalaks salliks". Kootakse pikk ja suht lai sall, pannakse kokku ja õmmeldakse teatud kombel nii, et seda saab kanda erineval moel. Vero Modas rippus taoline kudum täiesti vabalt ja mitmes värvis. Mõõtsin mõõdulindiga üle, et saada aru proportsioonidest. Vero Modas üldse tasub vaadata kudumeid, saab häid mõtteid.
I labelled it "cunning scarf". The idea is in the air. You knit a long and relativly wide scarf and fold it and seam in a certain manner, so that you can wear it in different ways. Several vests/caridans are in one garment. There was a garment in Vero Moda shop, several colours available. I measured the garment with a measuring tape in order to get a clue about the proportions. It is worth inspecting knitwear in Vero Moda, it gives you good ideas.
Samas on mul tahtmine kududa lehemustrit. Kas on tark ühendada seda soovi ja "kavala salli" soovi? Tundub, et pole võimatu. Lehemustril on palju variatsioone. "Pitsilistest koekirjadest" ja "Haapsalu sallist" saab näha erinevaid variante. Lõng tundub esialgu kõvavõitu, aga kudum tuleb kindlasti pärast ära pesta, siis lõng läheb hästi pehmeks. Ja nüüd proovilapike. Värv on hallikas-lilla:
At the same time I want to do a leaf pattern. Is it wise to unite this wish and the wish for the "cunning scarf"? It seems that it is not impossible. Leaf patterns have many variation. "Pitsilised koekirjad" and "Haapsalu sall" are great sources to consult. In the beginning the yarn seems somewhat hard but it is necessary to was the swatch afterwards in order to see the real quality of the yarn (it gets soft and nice). And now the swatch. The colour is greyish-purple:
Lõpetuseks midagi muud. Läksin raamatukokku, et võtta tellitud raamatud. Kaugelt nägin kaant ja mõtlesin, et ma ei olnud ju tellinud midagi kudumisest, mida siis lõngad kaanel teevad? Üsna pea selgus, et mul oli õigus: ei tellinudki. Päris meeldiv, et lõngad ja keeleteadus on siin koos.
And finally something else. I went to the library to get the books I had ordered. From afar I saw the cover and thought that I had not ordered anything about knitting, why the yarn on the cover? Very soon it became clear that I was right indeed, I had not ordered anything about knitting. It is nice to see that yarn and linguistics are put together here.
5 kommentaari:
Hauska seurata minkälainen lopputulos on!
Sinulle jotain minun blogissa:)
Lehemuster sobib "kaval sallile" kindlasti.
Kudumine käib mul sageli koos võõrsõnade õppimisega - neid annab väga hästi ühitada, kui ainult liiga keerulist mustrit ei vali!
I understand your decision about mohair. I’m a little tired of this yarn , too.
For me, yarns are exactly like languages – close but different ;)
Helena: kiitos, minuakin kiinnostaa loputulos!
Katja: kiitos, katsoin, vastaus tulee.
Kaja: suur tänu. Lehemustrite vahel on vahet, tahan võrrelda veeel ühe variandiga. Vaatan, et komeenteerijad ise leiavad seoseid lõnga ja keelte vahel:)
Basia: yes, I love mohair but a little pause will be good. I know I can always come back to it. I agree with you about yarns and languages!
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