It is a good question. I asked exactly this question a saleswoman I know at Casa Lana yarn shop in Vilnius. It concerns the cunning scarf, of course. Already yesterday I had doubts. I had knit the scarf and seamed it with provisional threads and showed to a couple of local knitters but they found nothing wrong. However, I did think something was wrong. It is not about proportions etc, the stitch pattern matches the yarn; my doubt was whether the yarn is suitable for this kind of knitwear. The saleswoman was in the shop together with two knitters, they were eager to give me advice. My doubts were confirmed: it is not enough that the knitwear drapes well, some texture, structure and fluffiness is needed for this kind of garment. If it were a shawl or a scarf (not the "cunning" but an ordinary one), then it were another story.
Järgmine küsimus, mida teha. Harutada pole kahju, harutan alati ilma kahetsuseta, sest kes tahab kudumit, mis ei meeldi. Näen selliseid variante: 1) harutada õmblused ja jätta alles lihtsalt sall; 2) harutada kõik ja teha sellest lõngast mõni rätik või lehekestega bolero (eelmises postituses näitasin igasugu pilte).
The next question is what is next. I never think twice about frogging, I don't need a garment I wouldn't like to wear. As I see it, there are two options: 1) to frog the seams and to leave the simple scarf (not the "cunning" one); 2) to frog everything and to knit something else with this yarn, a shawl or a bolero with a leaf pattern (see the previous post).
Argumendid (1) kasuks: lihtne teha, allesjääv sall pole sugugi võimatu, muster sobib. Argumendid (1) vastu (nüüd läheb asi väga spekulatiivseks): kui oleksin tahtnud salli/rätikut, poleks valinud nii lihtsat mustrit, vaid hoopis midagi huvitamat. Argumendid (2) kasuks: rätikuid pole kunagi liiga palju; just sai kavandatud mingi muster, võiks ära proovida; ilmselt on mul kange vajadus kududa midagi lehemustriga ja miks mitte siis säärane bolero, kui keegi arvab, et rätikuid on mul tõesti liiga palju. Argumendid (2) vastu: kas pole kahju nii palju harutada (aga vastan kohe, et see ei ole tõsine argument). Kui kellelgi on veel argumente, variante jms, palun kirjutage. Nüüd olen pigem (2) poolt.
Arguments in favour of (1): it is easily doable, the remaining scarf is not at all impossible, the stitch pattern is fine. Arguments against (1) (I warn you, it is going to be rather speculative): If I would have wanted a wrap or a shawl, I would have chosen a more complicated stitch patern, something more interesting. Arguments in favour of (2): you cannot have too many shawls/wraps; I've just sketched a lace pattern that I would like to try; apparently, I need to knit something with a leaf pattern, why not a bolero with one, especially if anyone thinks that I have too many shawls. Arguments against (2): isn't it a shame to frog so much (but I answer: no, it is not a serious argument). If anyone has arguments or sees other options etc, please let me know. Right now I am more inclined towards (2).
Ja nüüd teisel teemal: eile kohtusime ühes Vilniuse kohvikus Jurgita ja Sigaga. Andsin mõlemale üle lõngad. Rääkisime lõngaolukorrast riigis (siis Leedus ja Eestis). Sain meeldiva üllatuse, nimelt Siga kinkis mulle 2 tokki Schoppel Merino Lace lõnga (hiljuti sain 3 tokki, aga teist värvi, vt siin). Õige värv on rohekam. Arvan, et tean, mida sellest tahta.
Now about other matters: yesterday Jurgita, Siga and myself met in a cafeteria in Vilnius. I gave over the yarns I had brought for them from Tallinn. We spoke about the yarn situation in our states (Estonia and Lithuania). I got a nice surprise, Siga gave me a present, two skeins of Schoppel Merino Lace (recently I've got 3 skeins but another colour, see this). The true colour is more greenish. I think I know what to knit with it.
2 kommentaari:
No voi harmi, että lopputulos ei ole sitä mitä odotit! Pakko tunnustaa, että minullakin on epäilykseni oman mohairmekkoni kanssa ja sitä EI voi edes purkaa. Toinen hiha vielä puuttuu ja sitten nähdään mitä tuli. Jos olisin sinä, niin ehkä purkaisin koko jutun ja tekisin sitä lehtikuviota. Et kuitenkaan käytä sitä huivia, jos et alunperinkään sitä huiviksi ajatellut!
Kiitos, Helena! Onneksi tämä ei ole mohairi, jonka purkaminen olisi ongelmallista. Se käy nopeasti:) Täytyy mietiä, mitä teen sille langalle. Ehkä hihatin on hyvä idea. Täytyy kai purkaa ja sitten neuloa jotain muuta. Ehkä olisi viisasta kokonaan levätä siitä langasta ja sitten palata sen luo. Mitä teet mohairimekkollesi?
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