The "cunning scarf" is blocking. Picutres will be later. As I am not at home, I don't have a photographer.
Nagu varemgi kirjutasin, on kasulik vaadata kudumeid, mida müüakse poodides. Saab häid mõtteid. Eile astusin poodi, kus müüdi päris hea tegumoega, aga kahtlase kvalteediga kraami. Toredad kudumid, aga peaaegu kõik 100 % akrüül jms. Sellegipoolest vaatasin lähemalt mustreid. Mul on viimasel ajal tahtmine kududa lehemustreid. Tean, et pildistada peeglist pole õige, aga muud võimalust polnud.
As I wrote earlier, it is quite useful to study knitwear in shops. You can get good ideas. Yesterday I visited a shop where they sold some nice knitwear that had poor quality. Beatiful things but almost everything was 100 % acrylic. Nevertheless I gave a close look to the stitch patterns. Recently I am into leaf stitch patterns. I know that it is not wise to take pictures of the mirror reflection but this was the only opiton.
Stitch patterns:
Ja kõik kokku:
And the general view:
Ilmselt pole paha kombineerida erinevaid lehemustreid ühes kudumis. Järgmises boleros võiks katsetada.
Apparently, it is not a bad idea to combine several leaf patterns in the same garment. I could try this in the next shrug/bolero.
2 kommentaari:
Wrrrr...I don't like acryl, but the main idea is very interesting ;)
Basiu, you are right, 100 % acryl is ... I have no words for it. However, the idea is really good and I might use it (several yarns come to mind).
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