I finished the vest yesterday in the evening. But it has not been washed and there are no buttons yet.
Et miks pole pestud? Olen jälle Leedus töö asjus, pole aega pesta ega kohta, kus kuivatada.
Why it has not been washed yet? I am in Lithuania again for my work purposes and have no time to wash nor place to block.
Nagu näete, alumine äär on kolmnurkne. Homme-ülehomme tuleb taas Karnaluksist nööpe otsida.
As you can see, the lower edge is triangular. Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow I will have to go to Karnaluks to look for buttons.
Võib-olla õnnestub mul hankida leedu kudumisajakirju ja muud huvitavat. Kindlasti astun läbi Mezgimo zona poest!
Maybe I will be lucky to get some Lithuanian knitting magazines and other interesting things. Of course I am going to visit Mezgimo zona shop!
3 kommentaari:
Väga ilus! Sul on annet konstruktsiooni osas ja julgust proovida!
Very cute Anna, and so trendy right now too! This would be super popular as a pattern. :)
Suvi, tänan! Konstruktsiooni võiks veel täiustada, nt kui kududa midagi tõsisemat.
Robin, thank you! Hope to get right buttons and to have a photo shoot soon.
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