I thought that it would be unwise to start a serious knitting project immediately before the trip because I had not completed preliminary work. At the same time I have plans for several presents and here is one of them.
Disaini mõttes pole siin midagi huvitavat, lihtsalt sall kena lainelise mustriga.
Nothing interesting from design point of view, just a scarf with a beautiful wave pattern.
Lõng on päris hea, koon seda esimest korda. Bergere de France Lima, 80 % vill, 20 % alpaka, 5o g/110 m.
The yarn is rather nice, I am using it for the first time. Bergere de France Lima, 80 % wool, 20 % alpaca, 50 g/110 m.
12 kommentaari:
Oh Anna, this is beautiful! You should consider writing it up as a pattern and sell it through Ravelry! I just love all your lace knitting! It is very inspirational and I appreciate you sharing it!
Tihti ongi lihtsad asjad need kõige ilusamad.
What a beautiful stitch, is it your own invention or a traditional one? This will make a lovely present.
Kate, thank you. The stitch is not my invention, so probably there is not much of a pattern. I picked it somewhere and it probably belongs to everybody just as horseshue, feather and fan etc:).
Malle, aitäh!
Robin, thanks, see my reply to Kate.
Onpas taas kaunis mallineule!
Jälle üks kaunilt voolav muster, väga stiilne!
Kiva mallineule! Tuolla tulisi varmaan myös kiva kauluri.
I agree with everyone, what a lovely stitch..I do not belives I saw it before. Nice color too :-))
Heli, kiitos!
Heli, tänan väga (on ikka lugu, mõlemad Helid kommenteerivad järjest:)). Muster on tõesti mõnus ja keeruga parempidised annavad üsna palju.
Päivi, kiitos! Täytyy koettaa tämä kuvio toisenlaisella langalla.
Deena, thanks a lot! I never thought this stitch was really rare.
mina jäin ka ainiti seda mustrit silmitsema - väga mõnus:) seda ma tahaks isegi kududa!
ja seesama lõng on ka minu viimase aja lemmik:) Väga mõnus koostis, elastsus ja hea hinnaga selle kõige kohta!
Inga, tänan! Kuna publik soovib ja muster ei ole n-ö kellegi omand, võin siia kirja panna. Tore teada, et pead sellest lõngast lugu! Poes on mitmeid kenasid värve, tulevikus kavatsen sellest veel kududa.
Anna, Here in the West there are very few resources to learn about Estonian knitting. An author named Nancy Bush has written multiple books with patterns about your knitting traditions. Also, there are several beautiful books about Estonian shawls. Other than these books there is nothing else that I know of. Your knitting is different from the Western traditions, and it is very exciting to find your blog and see what you are doing. When you share a pattern or a technique that is common in Estonia, I feel like I have been given a gift! I love to learn new knitting ways, and this "internet" has been so amazing in that effort! So many of the patterns that you knit I have never seen before visiting your blog!
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