kolmapäev, 21. august 2013


Valmis kududa pole raske, küll aga on tihtilugu raske leida õiged nööbid. Tallinnas on õnneks olemas Karnaluks, kus saab nööpe odavalt. Aga probleem on see, et valik on suur, nööbid on vähemalt kolmes erinevas kohas. Hea veel, et on sorteeritud värvi järgi. Tihti on nii, et ettekujutus on üks, koha peal selgub aga, et sobivad hoopis teised nööbid. Niisugustel puhkudel on alati vaja nn diagnoosida: mis häirib, mida tahaks teistmoodi. Näiteks selgub, et nööp ei tohi olla läikiv või vastupidi või et see ei ole oluline. Siiski ei saa öelda, et oleks täna väga palju aega veetnud nööpe valides. Nii et lähiajal tulevad ka pildid. Siinsetel piltidel on värv väga vale.
It is not hard to knit up something but sometimes it is rather difficult to find right buttons. Fortunaetly, there is the Karnaluks shop in Tallinn and there you can get buttons for a quite low price. But the problem is that the choice is wide and they keep buttons at least in three places. At least, they have buttons sorted according to their colours. Very often you have a certain idea but you discover on the spot that you need quite a different kind of buttons. In such cases it is always good to diagnose, so to say: what bothers, what should be different. For instance, it becomes clear that the button cannot be shiny or on the contrary or that this is totally irrelevant. Still I cannot say that I spent today a very long time choosing buttons. It means that pictures are coming soon. The colour is completely wrong in these pictures.

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