Kui mainida ülevalt alla kudumist, siis paljudele tuleb esimesena pähe just raglaan. Ravelrys on mitu raglaani-teemalist rühma (inglise- ja saksakeelseid), seal pakutakse mitmesuguseid kalukaatoreid jne. Päris üksikasjalik ingliskeelne käsitlus on selles blogis. Kes loeb saksa keeles, võib vaadata postituste sarja siin (võib valida silti RVO, see on standardne saksa lühend Raglan von Oben - ülevalt alla raglaan).
If one mentions top down knitting, for many knitters the very first thought would be raglan. There are several raglan-topic groups on Ravelry (in English and in German) where several calulstors are offered. Quite a detail treatment in English is offered in this blog. If you read German, you can follow a series of posts here (you can follow the RVO tag, which is a standard German abbreviation Raglan von Oben - top down raglan).
Kindlasti on igal kudujal oma võtteid. Üks hea nõks, mida kirjeldavad mõlemad ülalmainitud blogid (ja vist ka Barbara Walker oma kuulsas raamatus), et kui varrukad on eraldatud, tuleb kaenla alla luua mõned silmused (ja mitte lihtsalt ühendada esi- ja seljatükid), nii istub seljas paremini. Olen nõus ja ise teen alati nii. Aga mul on veel üks nipp. Kujutage ette, et esi-/seljatüki laius on juba paras, samas varrukate eraldamiseks ja ühendamiseks on esi- ja seljatükk pisut lühike. Üks võimalus on näiteks kasvatada ainult varrukate osas ja mitte kere osas. Aga veel üks võimalus on selline: eraldada varrukad ning kududa esi- ja seljatükk eraldi paar sentimeetrit, pärast seda aga ühendada, luues kaenlaaluste jaoks silmuseid. Nõnda tegin ka seekord. Kui huvitab, võin mõnes järgmises postituses seletada pikemalt.
Certainly every knitter has his/her own tricks. A nice tip is described by both above-mentioned bloggers (and probably by Barbara Walker in her famous book): after the separation of the sleeves it is wise to cast on some stitches for underarms (and not just join the back and the front piece), because this gives a better fit. I agree and always do this. But I have one trick more. Imagine that the back and the front piece have a sufficient width but their length is still insufficient for separation of the sleeves and joining. An option would be to increase the sleeves only and not the torso part. But there is yet another option: to separate the sleeves and to work the front and the back piece separately for a couple of centimetres and then to join them, adding stitches for underarms. I did it this time, too. If you are interested, I can give more details in one of the future posts.
Seekord tahtsin, et raglaani kasvatused oleksid nähtavad. Ja jälle on kokku pandud kaks lõnga: mohääri (Linie 235, Online) ja meriinot (Austermann Merino Lace).
This time I wanted raglan increases to be visible. And I mixed two yarns once again: mohair (Linie 235, Online) and merino (Austermann Merino Lace).
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