Mõni probleem on seda ainult nime poolest. Mõtlesin, et teen linasest ja peenikesest meriinost suure torukraega sviitri. Teatavasti võib alustada kohe torust, võib aga kududa esialgu kogu sviiter (s.o. kujundada kaelus jms) ja alles siis kududa külge toru. Valisin teise võimaluse. Siis hakkas mulle kaelaava kuju kangesti meeldima ja hakkasin arutlema, et ei teegi kraed. Siis aga tekkis küsimus, mida muud huvitavat teha, sest mingi väike detail peaks olema, kuigi kudum on minimalistlik (kunagi varem kirjutasin, et minimalism ei ole küündimatus ega kujutlusvõime puudumine).
Certain problems are problems in name only. I wanted to make a sweater with a large tube collar from linen and merino. As you know, you can start from the tube or you can make the entire sweater in the beginning (that is, shape the neck opening etc) and to knit the tube later on. I decided to take up the second option. Then I became fond of the neck opening and I started thinking that I would not make the collar. Then the quesiton followed what other little details I could add, although this is a minimalist garment (some time ago I wrote that minimalism is not lack of skills and imagination).
Lahendus on lihtne: ripsitriibud varruka otstel. Neid tuleb veel vöökohale. Väga reljeefseteks triipudeks pole lõngakombinatsioon sobiv, aga ka sellised sümboolsed triibud toimivad täiesti.
The solution is very simple: purl stripes at the bottom of the sleeves. I will make the stripes on the waist line, too. This combination of yarn is not suitable for textured stripes but even such symbolic stripes work quite fine.
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