Mulle meeldivad hirmsasti lihtsad ja samas kavalad elegantsed konstruktsioonid. Kudum on selles mõttes väga tänuväärne asi, kui on hea langevuse ja huvitava faktuuriga lõng. Internetist leidsin selliseid toredaid asju:
I really appreciate simple yet cunning elegant constructions. Knitted fabric is such a rich source, especially if it drapes nicely and has an interesting texture. I found the following things on the internet:

Muidugi niisuguste asjade puhul võib tekkida küsimus, kuidas neid kanda meie kliimas, kui kogu kupatuse peale tuleb veel mantel ja käsi tuleb kuidagi varrukasse saada. Vist esimesel pildil oleva asjakese puhul probleemi ei ole, lihtsalt toru/kott aukudega. Teise puhul võib olla problemaatiline. Aga kui lõngaks on mohäär (on täiesti mõeldav mitte kõige peenem mohäär), siis pole probleemi, kudum pole paks.
Of course one can ask how such a piece of clothing should be worn in our climate where you have to put your coat on and to insert your arms into the sleeves. Probably, there is no such problem with the garment in the first picture, as it is a sack/tube with holes for the arms. The second one may turn out problematic. However, if you choose mohair (maybe not very thin mohair is entirely possible here), then there is no question, the garment is not thick.
Mul on tõesti nõrkus selliste asjade vastu. Suvel nägin
seda ja mõtlesin, et teen endale ka. Ainult muidugimõista modifikatsioonidega, lõng on mingi huvitav segu Vilniuse Diteksasest (täpsemalt ei tea, silte polnud).
I am really inclined to appreciate such things. This summer I saw this and decided to knit one for myself. With modifications, of course. The yarn was an interesting blend purchased at Diteksas in Vilnius (don't know exactly, there were no labels).

Ainuke asi, et tuleb valida ilusti langev lõng ja mõni muster, mis sobiks. Kusagil juba kurtsin, et labane parempidine on väga ilus ja mõne lõnga puhul ainumõeldav, ainult seda on mul igav kududa. Aga selline tore rüü nagu esimesel pildil on päris kena mustriga. Siit võiks juba edasi mõelda. Kui kellelgi on lõnga ideesid, andke palun teada.
The only concern is to pick a yarn that drapes well and a stitch pattern that suits. I have written somewhere that stockinette is really beautiful and in some cases is the only possible option; on the ohter hand, I don't like knitting a lot of stockinette. Still, the lovely garment in the first picture has a nice stitch pattern. So there is something to think about. If anyone has ideas about yarn, please let me know.