Pealkiri on salapärase hõnguga, tegelikult lugu oli lihtne ja mõnevõrra tüüpiline. Käisin eile üle hulga aja Epu poes. Tahtsin näha, kas seal on uut ja huvitavat lõnga. Nagu alati, oli seal kudujate seltskond koos ja mõned ostjad ka. Ühe (potentsiaalse) ostja nägu tundus tuttav, sain aru, et ta on Ravelrylane. Küsisin kohe, kas ta on Ravelrys. Vastus oli jaatav ja selgus, et minugi nägu on talle tuttav. Rääkisime natuke lõngast, kudumisest ja muidugi sellest, kui väike on Eesti (aga mul on olnud ka välismaa Ravelrylastega selliseid kohtumisi). Lõngast: minu jaoks oli tore näha Indiecita alpakat mõistliku hinnaga alla 50 kr, uutest lõngadest oli Järbo peenike (600 m/100 g) ja jämedam (300 m /100g). Peenike sobib hästi pitsiks. Lihtsad ja elegantsed värvid: valge, helehall, tumehall ja must. Soome kudumissõpradelt olen kuulnud, et seda valget saab väga edukalt värvida.
The title sounds somewhat intriguing but the story is simple and rather typical. Yesterday I went to Epp's yarnshop, had not visited it for a while. I wanted to see wheather there was any new and interesting yarn. As usual, there were some knitters I know (sitting and knitting in the back) and some clients. One of them appeared familiar, I realized that she was a Ravelrer. I immediately asked her whether she was on ravelry. Needless to say, the answer was positive and I looked familiar to her as well. We chattered about yarns, knitting and of course about how small Estonia is (but I've had such accidental encounters with Ravelrers from abroad as well). As for yarn, I was glad to see Indiecita aplaca at reasonable prises (less than 50 EEK); Järbo yarns were completely new: laceweight (600 m /100 g) and DK (300 m/100 g). The thin one would be nice for a lace shawl. The colours are simple and elegant: white, light grey, dark grey and black. I know from my knitting friend from Finland that the white yarn can be successfully dyed.
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