Today I went to Helsinki and returned in the evening. Katja and myself have been planning to get together and visit several yarn stores. Before our meeting I went to a store and noticed knitwear with a leaf pattern. I don't know what it is that I have with leaf patterns! I took a picture, maybe it will be useful.
Siis saime kokku ja sõitsime linnast välja Espoo suunas, seal on Menita Outlet (n-ö päris Menita on Helsingi kesklinnas ja mulle tuttav paik). Lõngu oli palju, aga kõige rohkem tekkis tahtmine pildistada Drops alpakat. Neid lõngu olen proovinud, hea pehme rätiku lõng. Ostsin 4 tokki sinakat-lillakat, need pildid panen üles teine kord.
Then we got together and took a short trip out of the town in the direction of Espoo to Menita Outlet (the "right" Menita yarn shop is in the centre of Helsinki and I know it well). Needless to say there was abundance of yarns but I wanted to take pictures of Drops alpaca. I've knitted with this yarn, it is a beautiful yarn for shawls. I bought 4 skeins of purplish bule yarns (pictures coming some other time).
Siis sõitsime veel ühte poodi, ei ostnud midagi, lõpu poole aga ikka päris-Menitasse. Nimelt otsisin teatud lõnga ühele kudumissõbrannale, aga kahjuks õiget värvi ei olnud. See-eest rääkisime müüjatega juttu, kõik kolm seisid leti taga ja kudusid. Üks tundis mu kohe ära ja ütles midagi sellest, et ahaa, kuidas elab meretagune tüdruk vms. Ajasime juttu, Katja tegi pilte (ilmselt tuleb varsti uudistada tema blogi). Pärast jätsime hüvasti ja sõitsin koju. Pilt on tehtud auto aknast. Võib-olla saab isegi aimu, et poes müüakse lõngu.
Then we drove into yet another store and finally to the "right" Menita. Namely, a friend of mine asked to bue a particular yarn for her but they did not have the right colour. Still, we had a nice conversation with the saleswomen, all three standing behind the counter and knitting away. One of them recognized me and said something like: ah, how is the girl from overseas etc. We talked and Katja took more pictures (I'll have to visit her blgo soon to see them). Then we parted and I took a boat to go home. This picture was taken through the car window. Maybe one can even distinguish yarns.
Rääkisime, et mitmed Soome kudujad tahaksid tulla Tallinna ja võiks korraldada kooskudumise. Aitäh, Katja! Veel pilte/jutte meie kohtumisest leidub siin.
We discussed a possibility of Finnish knitters coming to Tallinn and a joint knitting toghether. Thank you, Katja! More pictures/descriptions of our meeting here.
Muul teemal: pärast varasemat postitust Anu poe kohta on mitmed mulle kirjutanud/öelnud oma lõngasoovist Teen kunagi veel pilte ja panen üles, et saaks valida.
Another matter: after an earlier post about Anu's shop some asked me about the possibility of getting certain yarns. I will take more pictures so that you can choose.
4 kommentaari:
Wow! so many lots of pretty colors and lovely yarns!
Btw, I love the leaf pattern too.
Eliana, yes, the leaf pattern is beautiful. I am trying now different leaf patterns.
Kiitos mukavasta seurasta! En ole vielä ehtinyt päivittämään blogiani, mutta jospas saisn tänään päivitettyä.
Hyvää viikonloppua!
Kiva että tapaaminen onnistui!
Meillä vielä ongelmia tietokoneen kanssa:(
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