I am finally at home. Thank you all who commented on my first knitting design publication and followed the consturction of the grey top.
Helsingis sain kokku Tiinaga. Kohtumispaik oli Menita pood. Pildil on Dropsi Safran. Tahtsin veenduda, et on ka mõnusat puuvillast. Dropsi värvikaart on vapustav. Ostsin endale suveks sinihallikat või hallisegust sinist. Värvi valik võttis aega.
In Helsinki I met Tiina at Menita yarn shop. In the picture you see Drops Safran. I wanted to be sure that cotton can be pleasant. The colour card of Drops is just stunning. I bought some blewish gray or grayish blue Safran for summer. Indeed, choosing among the colours took time.
Ja siiin jätkub:
And here some more:
Tiina hakkab testima mu lilla vesti õpetust. Pakkusin selleks Dropsi alpakat. Arvasin, et kena oleks, kui potentsiaalsele huvilisele saaks soovitada variandina mõne vähem eksootilise valiku kui Elotroi Liisu. Metraaž on enam-vähem sama, vaatame, kuidas asi välja kujuneb.
Tiina is going to test-knit my purple vest pattern. I suggested Drops alpaca. I thought that it would be good to recommend to potential knitters some less exotic yarn than Elotroi Liisu. The meter/g ratio is more or less the same, we shall see.
Siis käisin veel Espoos Suviga kohtumas. Ajasime kudumisalast juttu, mida siis muud. Olen Suvile tänulik sissejuhatuse eest kudumisdisaini maailma.
Then I visited Espoo and met Suvi. We spoke about knitting, what else canone expect? I am grateful to Suvi for a useful introduction into the world of knitting design.
Kodus ootas mind meeldiv üllatus: Basia oli saatnud oma käsitsi kedratud lõnga näidiseid. Tema top on just sellisest lõngast kootud. Imeilus pehme lõng, minu top on palju rustikaalsem!
At home a nice surprise was in store for me: Basia had sent her hand-spun yarn samples. Her rustic top is of this yarn. Lovely soft yarn, my top is much more rustic!
Basiu, dzekuje bardzo!
Minu top on hästi soe. Loodetavasti saab homme pildistatud.
My top is rather warm. Hopefully I will have pictures taken tommorow.
4 kommentaari:
Anna, you welcome :)
Oli tore kohtuda! Aitäh! :)
Wow!!! Such a beautiful view!!
Eliana, yes, that is the beauty of well-stocked yarn shops. And hand-spun yarn is especially nice.
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