Alustasin midagi uut. Pildil olev näeb välja nagu algeline vest ehk vestihakatis (nõnda nimetan enda jaoks). Et juba saab selga proovida ja näha, kas suurus on õige. Jälle Tekstiiliteollisuuse tellimus. Cacao lõngast (89 % alpakat, 11 % polüamiidi) on vaja kavandada A-lõikelist jakki. Pole kerge ülesanne, sest buklee lõng on kapriisne, selles mõttes, et mingit erilist mustrit ei saagi teha. Ja kuidas ta vormi hoiab, ei tea. Nii et labane parempidine vms. Samas on see lõng päris mõnusalt pehme ja allub harutamisele. See on oluline. Mul olid esialgu kaenlaaugud liiga suured, pidin harutama. Nüüd on korras.
I started something new. The picture show something like a prototype of a vest (this is how I call it). Something you can try on and see whether the size is right. Again an order from Tekstiiliteollisuus. I have to design an A-shaped jacket from Cacao yarn (89 % alpaca, 11 % polyamide). The task is not exactly easy because boucle yarns are very demanding in the sense that the choice of stitches etc is rather narrow. And I don't know yet whether it stays in shape. So stockinette etc. Nevertheless, the yarn is rather pleasently soft and can be frogged. This is important. In the beginning I had too large armholes and I had to rip. It is fine now.
Nüüd ilmselt hakkan varrukaid kuduma. Mismoodi alumises osas kasvatada, pean veel mõtlema. Varrukate kudumine on tõesti tüütu, nii et teen praegu ära. Ikka jälle veendun, et ülevalt alla kudumine on hea asi. Saab kohe selga proovida ja harutada, kui suurus on vale.
Probably I will start the sleeves now. I have to think yet about increases in the bottom. Knitting the sleeves is really borring so I will do it now. Time and again I think what a good technique is topdown knitting. You can try on and rip if the size is wrong.
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