I am using the opportunity while the interenet is functioning. Yesterday in the morning I had a "vest prototype".
Vahetasin vardad 2,5 mm vastu. Võib-olla kõige õigem oleks 2,25 mm. Aga 2-ga ringselt kududes on kude liiga tihke. Nagu maninisin kommentaaridele vastates, on kude ebaühtlane. Tavaliselt koon üsna ühtlaselt. Ilmselt see on lina omadus, mulle on öeldud, et pärast pesemist läheb korda. Aga selline pisut boheemlik väljanägemine ei tee tegelikult paha. Täna on mul niipalju olemas:
I switched to 2,5 mm needles. Maybe 2,25 would be ideal. But knitting with 2 mm needles in round I get too tight a fabric. As I mentioned in my answeres to commentaries, the sitches look uneven. Generally I knit rather evenly. Probably, this is a feature of linen; I was told that after washing it will get right. Still, this slightly bohemian look is not bad at all. This is how much I have for today:
Huvitav, kuidas silmuste arvuga 165 (ja vardad on siiski peenikesed) on see vestihakatis üsna avar minu seljas (siiski mitte ülearu suurt, et saaks öelda, et see on mitu suurust suurem kui vaja). Mõtlesin, et tahan sellist vabalt langevat asja, mitte täpselt figuuri järgivat.
It is interesting how the sitch number 165 (and the needles are rather thin) gives such a spacious vest (not too spacious to say that it is several sizes big for me though). I think I would like a freely draping garment, not something following the figure.
Selline väike muster on külgedel.
This small lace pattern is on the sides.
5 kommentaari:
Lovely progress Anna :-)) I am usually unable to knit too tight on the tiny needles. It causes strain to my wrist if I do knit too tight, so I knit somewhat loose to avoid that and probably would have a hard time to get the gauge 28-30 st per 10 cm even on really thin yarn and tiny needles.
I find uneven stitches with linen too, but they do usually become neat after washing once or twice. I love the flowing style and loose fit of your vest for this type of yarn - especially with hot weather.
Deena, thank you. I've never had a problem like this with my wrists but, on the other hand, I am not using 2 or 2.5 mm needles very often:). So far, so good, it goes further without obstacles.
Robin, yes, everybody keeps saying that about linen. Speaking of hot weather, it is 37 degrees Celcius today in Vilnius:).
Imeilus värv. Mul ootel puuvilla ja lina segu, enne aga tarvis kleit ja seelik lõpetada.
Malle, tänan! Mu suhted sinisega on keerulised:). Et mulle sobida, peaks see olema tõesti intensiivne, sügav sinine. Muide, puuvilla ja lina segu võib olla päris mõnus. Mu on üks vest puuvilla-lina-viskoosi segust, olen lõngaga väga rahul.
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