I've been looking at Lithuanian linen for some time. As mentioned earlier, there is a great colour choice in the Mezgimo zona shop. I was inspired by the top knitted by the owner, Sonata. She has knitted one and the second is being knitted now. To knit linen is a serious work because the fiber lacks elasticity. This particular type of linen requires 2 mm needles.
Igal lõngal on oma piirangud, s.o. mis mustrid kõlbavad. Mõnel lõngal on piirangud väga väiksed, mõnel jälle suuremad. Muidugi hästi kirju ja paks ebaühtlane lõng ei lubagi mingeid mustreid. Ma ei saa veel öelda, et tunnen linapiiranguid. Üks asi on selge, et talle meeldib sile pind, mis muidugi ei välista teatud mustreid. Reljeefset pinda vist ei armasta.
Every yarn has its limitation, that is, what stitch pattern are suitable for it. Some yarns has very few limitations and some have a lot of them. Of course, a multicoloured bulky uneaven yarn does not allow for stitch patterns. I cannot say I am familiar with the linen limitations. One thing is clear though that it likes smooth fabric, which of course does not exlcude some lace patterns. Probably, 3D patterns are not for linen.
Las olla alugses parempidine.
Let it be stockinette in the beginning.
6 kommentaari:
What an amazing color Anna:-)) I agree with you, that some lace would look great on linen fabric :-))
Ooooh! Pretty! I adore linen, even though it is rough on the hands to knit. This color is beautiful.
Deena, thanks! As the fiber is new to me, I am not into bold experimenting:).
Robin, thank you! This particular linen is not rough. The knitted fabric is somewhat uneven but they say it tremendously improves after washing.
Väga ilusat värvi linane! Usun, et see on põnev kudumine vaatamata sellele, et lõng ja vardad on väga peenikesed ning tulemus vaeva väärt.
Väga põnev! Inspiratsiooniks võivad olla ka Garnstudio.com olevad linasele lõngale mõeldud mustrid, vaata DROPS Lin alt! Just tuunikad on eriti kenad.
Kaja, tänan! Nüüd siirdusin juba 2,5 mm varrastele, sest ringselt kududes tuleb mul parempidine kude tihedam.
Veronika, aitäh! Olen Dropsi lõngade austaja, kõik, mida olen proovinud, meeldib mulle. Olen vaadanud Bomullini poole. Aga mulle tundub, et Lin on jämedam, kui minu praegune lina. Kahjuks ei oska midagi täpsemalt öelda, püüan poes uurida, mis markeering on pooli sees.
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