A small review, as promised earlier. There are plenty bigger or smaller knitting magazines in Germany. They are available almost everywhere where where press is being sold. In Estonia one can get Verena (and in three languages at that: German, English and Russian), Stricktrends, Sabrina, Diana etc. Yarn producers often have their own periodicals that are not as substantial as "real" magazines but are nevertheless rather useful to those who use the particular yarns. This time I got two relatively less known magazines.
Juhtkirjas räägitakse sellest, et kudumine võib olla lihtne ja ometi rõõmutoov. Pakutavad õpetused ei pruugi olla keerulised, tulemus on aga ikka nauditav. On suhteliselt palju kudumeid palmikutega ja üleminekulõngadest. Siiski peaks ütlema, et üleminekud on võrreldes Raasiku lõngade omadega üpris lühikesed, nii et on oht, et kena muster või palmik läheb kaotsi. Paar kudumit siiski köitis tähelepanu.
The editorial says that knitting can be easy yet satisfying. The suggested patterns are not exactly difficult but the result is enjoyable. Quite a few patterns are with cables and from variegated yarns. Yet I have to mention that colour transitions are short in comparison to those of Aade Lõng yarns; hence, there is danger that a nice stitch or cable gets lost. Still, several patterns got my attention.
Nii tuunika kui sviitri puhul võib ette kujutada mitmesuguseid lõngu. Peenvillane, puuvillane, viskoosi ja puuvilla segu, villa ja mohääri segu jms, olenevalt sellest, kas tahta talve- või suvekudumit või mitte. Valge sviitri palmik meeldib mulle väga, seda tahaks proovida.
Both the tunic and the sweater are imaginable in different types of yarns. Lighter wool, cotton, rayon and cotton blend, wool and mohair blend, you name it; it all depends whether you want a winter or summer garment. I like the cables of the white sweater and would like to try them.
Teine ajakiri on OnLine (vastava firma väljaanne). Eestis pole need lõngad päris tundmatud, siiski pole meil firmapoode, Lätis ja Leedus aga on. Tähelepanu köitis kaanepilt, nimelt palmikud. Päris kena kudum mustast mohäärist!
The second magazine is OnLine (published by the yarn producer). The yarns are not unknown in Estonia but we don't have OnLine shops, while Latvia and Lithuania do have them. The cover picture attracted my attention, namely, the cable pattern. A nice black mohair sweater!
Ajakirja lõpus on pikk OnLine poodide nimekiri. Poode on Saksamaal, Austrias, Šveitsis, aga ka Lätis ja Leedus (aadressid on kenasti kirjas).
A long list of OnLine shops is provided in the end of the magazine. The shops are in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and also in Latvia and Lithuania (the addresses are supplied).
Lõpuks pisike pilt praegusest tööst. Nagu varem öeldud, see on kingitus, seetõttu suuremat pilti ei näita.
Lõpuks, väike pilt praegusest töötst. Nagu mainitud, see on kingitus ja sellepärast suuremat pilti praegu ei näita.
And finally, a little picture of my current project. As mentioned earlier, it is a present and that is why I am not showing a bigger photo.
5 kommentaari:
Aniu, thank you so much for your review!
It’s just for me. I’m still before journey to Germany :)
Anna thank you :-)) very interesting :-))
Basiu, Deena, thank you, I am glad this is helpful.
Tänud ülevaatest, alati tore teada mida mujal müüakse :)
Suvi, tänan!
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