Mõnikord võtan endale pähe, et tuleb teatud värvi kudum. Hakkasin otsima sobivat rohelist. Paistab, et rohelisega on probleeme. Punane on isegi kapriisne värv (nt mulle sobivad sellised varjundid, kus pole roosakat, oranžikat ega pruunikat varjundit), aga rohelisega paistab lugu veel hullem olevat. Mis teha, oliivikarva jms heledamad/soojemad toonid ei sobi, siis oleks vaja smaragdrohelist või sinakasrohelist. Ja kui on veel hulk kitsendusi, nt mingil põhjusel ei sobi mohäär jne, siis on päris raske. Kas lõng meeldib, aga pole õiget rohelist, või on õiget tooni, aga lõng ei sobi kavandatud mustriks. Siiski tundub, et sain, mida vajan. Pildil on värv sinakam, kui tegelikkuses. Nagu näha, ka pärast niisutamist ei kadunud reljeef kuhugi. Eks siis vaatame, aga värviga olen rahul.
Sometimes I get an idea that the next project should be of a certain colour. I started looking for a suitable green yarn. It appears that green is a problem. Red is a moody colour enough (for instance, only those shades suit me that have neither pinkish, orange nor brownish hues), but it seems that with green it even more complicated. What can I do if olive green and other fair/warm shades do not suit me; I need emerald green or blueish green. And if there is a whole bunch of other limitations (for instance, mohair is not a choice), then it is really difficult. For instance, the yarn is suitable but there is no right kind of green, or the colour is perfect but the fiber is not good for a particular stitch pattern. Still, I think I've got what I need. In the picture the colour is more blueish than in reality. As you can see, after drying the stitch definition has not disappeard. Well, we shall see but at least I am satisfied with the colour.
2 kommentaari:
Mielenkiintoinen kuvio! Mietin, miten se jatkuu.
This is a lovely shade of green. I am glad you found the one you like :))
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