Eelmisel aastal kirjutasin soonikute teemal. Praegu katsetan igasuguste reljeefsete kudedega. Soonik ei ole ainult pahempidiste ja parempidiste vaheldumine. Näiteks on võimalik vaheldada parempidiseid ja ripskude. Alustasin sviitrit soonikus, lõng on Fabel (Drops). Nii parem kui pahem pool tundub kena.
Last year I wrote on the topic of ribbing. Now I am trying out various textured patterns. Ribbing is not just an alternation of knit and purl stitches. You can alternate knit stitches and garter, for instance. I started a sweater in ribbing, the yarn is Fabel (by Drops). Both right and wrong side seems nice.
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