Kood, kood ja tajud, et kudum on ebahuvitav. Mitte selles mõttes, et on tüütu kududa, vaid proovid selga ja veendud, et enda seljas on ebahuvitav. Lihtsuse ja keerukusega pole siin mingit pistmist. Sellisele järeldusele jõudsin eile õhtul. Hommikul proovisin uuesti selga ja otsustasin harutada.
You knit on and on and realize that the knit is uninteresting. Not in the sense that it is boring to knit but you try it on and it is clear that it looks uninteresting on you. It has nothing to do with simplicity or complexity. Yesterday in the evening I arrived at this conclusion. In the morning I tried on again and decided to rip it.
Ostsustasin, et teen hoopis teise mustriga. Olen tükk aega tahtnud augulise mustriga jakki. Kas lõpptulemus mulle selga sobib, saab näha.
I decided to use a different stitch. I have been thinking about an eyelet cardigan for some time. It remains to be seen whether the final result suits me.
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