Suvel sain WW-st seda lõnga nimega Dublin, 80 % puuvill, 20 % linane, 100 g/200 m. Võtsin 400 g. Mõtlesin, et mingi jaki või sviitri jaoks 800 m on enam-vähem sobiv hulk, kui on vaja, ostan juurde. Nüüd on aga lugu selline, et just musta lõnga poes ei ole. Perenaine ütles, et võib-olla on tal mõni jääk.
In summer I got from the WW shop this yarn named Dublin, 80 % cotton, 20 % linen, 100 g/200 m. I bought 400 g. I was thinking that for a cardi or a sweater 800 m is about right and that I get more if needed. But the thing is that it is exactly the black yarn the store does not have anymore. The owner told me that maybe she has a little quantity somewhere.
Täispikk varrukas pole tingimata vajalik, aga tahaks vähemalt kolmveerand. Mida teha? Mul oli meeles, et poes oli veel teist musta paellõnga. Uurisin eile Malle käest, selgus, et ongi, Duvali-nimeline täpselt sama metraažiga ja 100 % puuvill. Täna läksin poodi, et näha, kas värv sobib. Kudusin proovilapi, mõned read ühte ja sinna otsa mõned read teist. Värvi vahet pole, võib-olla on pisike tiheduse vahe. Muide, sellepärast ei ütle lõnga metraaž alati kõike, sest koostis mängib ka rolli.
It is not exactly necessary to get full length sleeves but at least three quarters woul be nice. What should I do? I recalled that there was a different black ribbon yarn in the store. I wrote to Malle yesterday and it came out I was right, there was a Duval-named yarn with exactly the same metrage and 100 % cotton. Today I went to the store in order to establish whether the shae match. I made a swatch, some rows with one and then some rows with the other yarn. No difference in colours, maybe a small gauge difference.By the way, this is why yarn weight is not always the only telling information because the fiber composition may affect the gauge.
Niisiis, pidasin nõu perenaisega, kes oli täna poes. Kerisin alles jäänud lõnga kaheks võrdseks keraks (kaalu järgi). Nüüd koon mõlemad nii pikaks, kui lõng lubab. Ja siis homme vaatan ja vajaduse korral jätkan teise lõngaga. Kui tiheduse vahe on olemas, siis varruka allosas pole see nii nähtav.
So I talked it through with the owner who was in the store today. I wound the remaining yarn in two equal portions (according to the weight). Now I will make both sleeves as long as the yarn allows. And tomorrow I will see how it is going and continue with the other yarn, if necessary. Even if there is a slight difference in gauge, it is not so visible in the bottom of the sleeve.
Nii et läheb huvitavaks.
So it is getting interesting.
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