Nagu selgus, lõnga jätkus ja jäi ka pisut üle. Aga kui asi oleks nii lihtne! Teadsin, et niisutamisel lõng paisub. Proovilapp muutus tihkemaks, aga ei tõmbunud kokku. Ilmselt läheb kvantiteet kvaliteediks ja kui koepind on suur, tõmbub ta kokku. See oli silmaga nähtav. Panin kuivama. Hommikul tõmbasin niiskest peast selga. Mahun sisse küll ja isegi pole väga liibuv. Varrukad on lühemad, aga ikkagi normaalsuse piires, kolmveerand (ja mitte ebamäärases pikkuses). Võib-olla peaks alla kuduma paar sentimeetrit, aga võib-olla ka mitte. Panin edasi kuivama ja pingutasin pisut. Vaatame. Põnevus jätkub.
As it turned out, I had enough yarn and even a little bit extra. But if it were so simple! I knew the yarn becomes like swallen (more dense) after moistening. The swatch became thicker but did not shrink. Probably, quantity transforms into quality and when the knitted fabric is large enough, it shrinks a little. It was quite visible. I put it to dry. In the morning I tried the damp sweater on. I managed to put it on and it was not even very tight. The sleeves are somewhat shorter but within a normal range, three quarters and not just some unclear length. Maybe I will have to knit a couple centimetres downwards but maybe this is not necessary. I put it to dry and blocked slightly. We shall see. The intrigue continues.
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