See on tinglikus mõttes nööbiliist, sest nööpe ei tule. Pigem on sallkrae + nööbiliist.
It can be called a button band only symbolically because there are no buttons to come. It is rather a shawl collar + button band.
Rippudes tundub kitsas ja kokkusurutud, aga kui selga panna, siis pole üldse ümber ega pingul.
When it hangs, it appears narrow and crincled but when put on, it is not clingy neither stretched out.
Siin on näha, et nööbiliist tõmbab esitükid laiemakas. Seda on kasulik teada, sest alguses võib olla petlik mulje (vt eelmine postitus), et esitükid on liiga napid.
Here you can see that button band makes front pieces wider. It is good to know this because in the beginning you can have an erroneous impression (see previous post) that the front pieces are too tiny.
Veel üks mustrikord ja siis on valmis.
One pattern repeat more and then it is finished.
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