Jõudsin kohani, kust saab kahandama hakata. Huvitav, kui palju kasvab rätik (eriti pikkusesse). Kui valmis saab, kavatsen mõõta enne ja pärast pesemist-pingutamist.
I've reached the point where it is possible to start decreases. Quite interesting how much the shawl will grow (especially in the length). Once it is finished, I intend to measure it before and after washing and blocking.
pühapäev, 28. veebruar 2016
reede, 26. veebruar 2016
Veel üks ajakiri/One more magazine
Olen välismaal, pole palju aega kududa ega kirjutada. Nii et paraku edeneb rätik aeglaselt.
I am abroad and have little time to write and to knit. So, to my distress, the shawl is progressing slowly.
Tahan mainida ajakirja Lang Yarns, mis on sama nimega lõngafirma väljaanne. Selle saab osta eelkõige saksakeelses maailmas. Pean ütlema, et mulle meeldib piltide stilistika, aga ka mitmed kudumid on täiesti minu maitse. Kaas (nr 218):
I want to mention Lang Yarns magazine which is a publication of the Lang Yarns firm. One can purchase it first and foremost in Geman-speaking world. I have to say that I like the styling of their photos and also some knits are entirely my taste. The cover (no 218):
Ja mõned kudumid. Sini-must topp on ajakirjas muidugi alt üles ja õmblustega, aga mul on vähemalt 2 ideed, kuidas saaks kududa ilma õmblusteta. Kui saaks peenikest suvelõnga, siis prooviks järele.
And some knits. Of course, the black-blue top is presented in the magazine as a bottom-up and seamed garment but I have at least 2 ideas how to make it seamlessly. If I get some thin summer yarn, I would try it.
I am abroad and have little time to write and to knit. So, to my distress, the shawl is progressing slowly.
Tahan mainida ajakirja Lang Yarns, mis on sama nimega lõngafirma väljaanne. Selle saab osta eelkõige saksakeelses maailmas. Pean ütlema, et mulle meeldib piltide stilistika, aga ka mitmed kudumid on täiesti minu maitse. Kaas (nr 218):
I want to mention Lang Yarns magazine which is a publication of the Lang Yarns firm. One can purchase it first and foremost in Geman-speaking world. I have to say that I like the styling of their photos and also some knits are entirely my taste. The cover (no 218):
Ja mõned kudumid. Sini-must topp on ajakirjas muidugi alt üles ja õmblustega, aga mul on vähemalt 2 ideed, kuidas saaks kududa ilma õmblusteta. Kui saaks peenikest suvelõnga, siis prooviks järele.
And some knits. Of course, the black-blue top is presented in the magazine as a bottom-up and seamed garment but I have at least 2 ideas how to make it seamlessly. If I get some thin summer yarn, I would try it.
kolmapäev, 24. veebruar 2016
Mitmeid asju/Various matters
Esiteks, üks pilt eelmisest koolitusest (rohkem pilte juhul, kui osalejad lubavad avaldada). Olen jutu hoos, minu ees ja taga on kudumid.
First, one of the pictures from the recent class (more pictures if the participants allow to publish). I am busy talking, knits behind me and in front of me.
Teiseks, rätik edeneb, aga aeglaselt. Põhjus on see, et mõtlesin mõne muu mustri peale, proovisin üht ja teist (olemasolevat harutamata), aga siiski otsustasin, et antud juhul on poolpatent kõige parem (tuleb jälle endale meelde tuletada, et pesemata patentkoes pind võib olla üsna kole, aga pesu muudab asja oluliselt).
Second, the shawl is growing rather slowly. The reason for this is that I was considering different stitches and tried out several things (without frogging what I had knitted so far); yet I decided that in this case half-patent is the best option (one has to remind that unwashed patent stich fabric may be quite ugly but wahsing changes it considerabely).
Kolmandaks, püüan võimaluse korral hankida Rebecca ajakirja (ilmub Saksamaal saksa keeles, levib ka Austrias, Šveitsis ja mõnes muus kohas, näiteks Leedus, aga mitte meil). Seal on alati palju palmikuid, reljeefseid mustreid ja mohäärist kudumeid. Viimases numbris on mõned lihtsad sviitrid ja jakid, mis meeldisid.
Third, I try to purchase Rebecca magazine when possible (it is published in Germany in German and circulates also in Austria, Switzerland and some other places like Lithuania but not in my country). It always features a lot of cables, textured patterns and mohair knits. I liked some simple sweaters and cardigans I liked in the recent issue.
Ja lõpuks: ilusat iseseisvuspäeva kõigile!
And finally: have a nice independence day!
First, one of the pictures from the recent class (more pictures if the participants allow to publish). I am busy talking, knits behind me and in front of me.
Teiseks, rätik edeneb, aga aeglaselt. Põhjus on see, et mõtlesin mõne muu mustri peale, proovisin üht ja teist (olemasolevat harutamata), aga siiski otsustasin, et antud juhul on poolpatent kõige parem (tuleb jälle endale meelde tuletada, et pesemata patentkoes pind võib olla üsna kole, aga pesu muudab asja oluliselt).
Second, the shawl is growing rather slowly. The reason for this is that I was considering different stitches and tried out several things (without frogging what I had knitted so far); yet I decided that in this case half-patent is the best option (one has to remind that unwashed patent stich fabric may be quite ugly but wahsing changes it considerabely).
Kolmandaks, püüan võimaluse korral hankida Rebecca ajakirja (ilmub Saksamaal saksa keeles, levib ka Austrias, Šveitsis ja mõnes muus kohas, näiteks Leedus, aga mitte meil). Seal on alati palju palmikuid, reljeefseid mustreid ja mohäärist kudumeid. Viimases numbris on mõned lihtsad sviitrid ja jakid, mis meeldisid.
Third, I try to purchase Rebecca magazine when possible (it is published in Germany in German and circulates also in Austria, Switzerland and some other places like Lithuania but not in my country). It always features a lot of cables, textured patterns and mohair knits. I liked some simple sweaters and cardigans I liked in the recent issue.
Ja lõpuks: ilusat iseseisvuspäeva kõigile!
And finally: have a nice independence day!
esmaspäev, 22. veebruar 2016
Kõik teavad, et puhas peenike linane lõng armastab parem- ja pahempidist, ripsi, auke, lehe- ja rombimustreid jms. Aga mitte soonikut, s.o. mitte midagi reljeefset. Nagu arvata võib, hakkasin siiski eksperimenteerima ja proovisin poolpatenti.
Everyone knows that thin pure linen loves stockinette and reversed stockinette, garter stitch, eyelets, leaf and diamond patterns etc. But not ribbing, that is, nothing textured. As you can guess, I nevertheless started experimenting with half-patent stitch.
Ei ole just eriti ilus. Aga vaadake proovilappi, mis on pestud. Hoopis teine pilt.
Not exactly pretty. But look now at this swatch that is washed. A different story altogether.
Ma ei pingutanud proovilappi, lasin lihtsalt ära kuivada. Pind pole reljeefne, aga on üsna sobiv. Vaatan, kas jätkan või teen midagi muud.
I did not block the swatch, just put it to dry. The fabric is not textured but is quite acceptable. I have to think whether I continue in this pattern or do something else.
Everyone knows that thin pure linen loves stockinette and reversed stockinette, garter stitch, eyelets, leaf and diamond patterns etc. But not ribbing, that is, nothing textured. As you can guess, I nevertheless started experimenting with half-patent stitch.
Ei ole just eriti ilus. Aga vaadake proovilappi, mis on pestud. Hoopis teine pilt.
Not exactly pretty. But look now at this swatch that is washed. A different story altogether.
Ma ei pingutanud proovilappi, lasin lihtsalt ära kuivada. Pind pole reljeefne, aga on üsna sobiv. Vaatan, kas jätkan või teen midagi muud.
I did not block the swatch, just put it to dry. The fabric is not textured but is quite acceptable. I have to think whether I continue in this pattern or do something else.
laupäev, 20. veebruar 2016
Erijuhtum/A particular case
Kes kolmapäeval tunnis käisid, mäletavad, et jutt oli mitmest kimono erijuhtumist ja see on üks neist. Nüüd sain ka topi pildile. Maiu, suur tänu!
Those who were in my class last Wednesday, remember that we discussed several particular cases of kimono and this is one of them. Today I got the pictures of the top. Maiu, many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Essentials Cotton DK (50 g/130 m), ~ 650 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Those who were in my class last Wednesday, remember that we discussed several particular cases of kimono and this is one of them. Today I got the pictures of the top. Maiu, many thanks!
Lõng/Yarn: Essentials Cotton DK (50 g/130 m), ~ 650 m.
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
neljapäev, 18. veebruar 2016
Eilne tund läks kenasti, ootan nüüd pilte. Kuna olin ise ametis rääkimise ja näitamisega, siis ei pildistanud. Arutasime mitmesuguseid näiteid, ka kudumit, mis on praegu töös. See on vahepealses staadiumis, patentkude kasvab aeglaselt ja sööb palju lõnga.
Yesterday's class went smoothly and I am expecting some pictures now. As I was busy talking and showing, I could not take photos. We discussed various examples, including the knit I am working on currently. This is in an in-between state; patent stitch grows slowly and eats up a lot of yarn.
Pesus läheb koepind ühtlaseks. Proovisin selga, ei ole liibuv. Lõng on puuvilla ja sünteetika segu, 100 g/330 m, vardad 4 mm.
The fabric will become even after wahsing. I tried it on and it is not tight. The yarn is a cotton-acrylic blend, 100 g/330 m, needles 4 mm.
Järgmine kord kohtume märtsis ja räägime kolmnurksete ja üldse mitmesuguste rätikute kujudest.
Next time we shall meet in March and discuss triangular and all kinds of shawl shapes.
Yesterday's class went smoothly and I am expecting some pictures now. As I was busy talking and showing, I could not take photos. We discussed various examples, including the knit I am working on currently. This is in an in-between state; patent stitch grows slowly and eats up a lot of yarn.
Pesus läheb koepind ühtlaseks. Proovisin selga, ei ole liibuv. Lõng on puuvilla ja sünteetika segu, 100 g/330 m, vardad 4 mm.
The fabric will become even after wahsing. I tried it on and it is not tight. The yarn is a cotton-acrylic blend, 100 g/330 m, needles 4 mm.
Järgmine kord kohtume märtsis ja räägime kolmnurksete ja üldse mitmesuguste rätikute kujudest.
Next time we shall meet in March and discuss triangular and all kinds of shawl shapes.
teisipäev, 16. veebruar 2016
Töö käib/The work is going on
Topp on valmis ja kuiv. Loodetavasti saab lähiajal ka minu seljas pildistada. Kes homme tundi tulevad, näevad oma silmaga. Pärast niisutamist ja mõningast pingutamist on näha, et muster on päris hea (selles mõttes, et lihtne, kergesti modifitseeritav, kahepoolne).
The top is finished and dry. Hopefully, there will be modelled pictures soon. Those who come tomorrow to my class will be able to see it. After moistening and light blocking it is clear that the stitch pattern is quite nice (meaning: simple, easily modifiable, reversible).
Alustasin kohe midagi uut, paistab, et seekord patent töötab, aga lõplikult saab öelda hiljem. Homme tunnis näitan ka, plaan on teha samasugune konstruktsioon, nii et sobib meie teemaga. Nii et töö käib.
I immediately started something new and it appears that this time patent stitch is working but probably I will be able to confirm it a little bit later. I will show the new project tomorrow in my class because the plan is to do the same construction, so it agrees with our topic. Thus, the work is going on.
The top is finished and dry. Hopefully, there will be modelled pictures soon. Those who come tomorrow to my class will be able to see it. After moistening and light blocking it is clear that the stitch pattern is quite nice (meaning: simple, easily modifiable, reversible).
Alustasin kohe midagi uut, paistab, et seekord patent töötab, aga lõplikult saab öelda hiljem. Homme tunnis näitan ka, plaan on teha samasugune konstruktsioon, nii et sobib meie teemaga. Nii et töö käib.
I immediately started something new and it appears that this time patent stitch is working but probably I will be able to confirm it a little bit later. I will show the new project tomorrow in my class because the plan is to do the same construction, so it agrees with our topic. Thus, the work is going on.
mustrid/stitch patterns,
patent/patent stitch,
pühapäev, 14. veebruar 2016
Kasvab/It is growing
Kasvab jõudsalt.
It is growing steadily.
Alustasin just 5-ndat tokki. On vaja kududa veel pikkusesse. Kindlasti tuleb varrukate viimistlus, võimalik, et isegi väiksed varrukad. Mulle meeldib selline konstruktsioon ja võiks veel midagi kududa mõnest muust lõngast. Loodetavasti saan kolmapäeval tunnis valmistoppi näidata.
I've just started the 5th ball of yarn. I have to work more downwards. For sure, there will be finishing of the sleeves and maybe short sleeves. I like this construction and could knit something similar from another yarn. Hopefully, I will be able to show the finished top in my class on Wednesday.
It is growing steadily.
Alustasin just 5-ndat tokki. On vaja kududa veel pikkusesse. Kindlasti tuleb varrukate viimistlus, võimalik, et isegi väiksed varrukad. Mulle meeldib selline konstruktsioon ja võiks veel midagi kududa mõnest muust lõngast. Loodetavasti saan kolmapäeval tunnis valmistoppi näidata.
I've just started the 5th ball of yarn. I have to work more downwards. For sure, there will be finishing of the sleeves and maybe short sleeves. I like this construction and could knit something similar from another yarn. Hopefully, I will be able to show the finished top in my class on Wednesday.
reede, 12. veebruar 2016
Ühe konstruktsiooni modifikatsioon/A modification of a construction
Sellest räägin rohkem tunnis. 17. veebruaril kl 17.30 räägin Domus Linum poes kimonost ja selle erijuhtumitest.
I will talk more about it in my class. I will talk about kimono and its particular cases on 17 February at 5.30 p.m. at Domus Linum store.
See on selline juhtum, et nn pahupool on ka ilus. Otsustasin, et vahelduse mõttes olgu see nüüd õige pool.
It is precisely the case when so-called wrong side is beautiful, too. I decided that wrong side should be assigned as right side just for a change.
Küljel hakkab jooksma parempidiste silmsute riba. Ja alumisel pildil on kimono lühikese varruka kahandused.
There is a stripe of stockinette on the side. And the bottom picture shows decreases of a short kimono sleeve.
I will talk more about it in my class. I will talk about kimono and its particular cases on 17 February at 5.30 p.m. at Domus Linum store.
See on selline juhtum, et nn pahupool on ka ilus. Otsustasin, et vahelduse mõttes olgu see nüüd õige pool.
It is precisely the case when so-called wrong side is beautiful, too. I decided that wrong side should be assigned as right side just for a change.
Küljel hakkab jooksma parempidiste silmsute riba. Ja alumisel pildil on kimono lühikese varruka kahandused.
There is a stripe of stockinette on the side. And the bottom picture shows decreases of a short kimono sleeve.
kolmapäev, 10. veebruar 2016
Rätiku pilte/Pictures of the shawl
Rätik on valmis, pestud, pingutatud ja pildistatud. Helin, tänan poseerimise eest!
The shawl is finished, washed, blocked and photographed. Helin, thanks for modelling!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic 8/1, 100 g/800 m, ~ 120 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm.
The shawl is finished, washed, blocked and photographed. Helin, thanks for modelling!
Lõng/Yarn: Aade Lõng Artistic 8/1, 100 g/800 m, ~ 120 g
Vardad/Needles: 3 mm, 3,5 mm.
esmaspäev, 8. veebruar 2016
Huvitaav lõng/Interesting yarn
Koon rätikut (tuleb lihtne klassikaline kolmnurkne rätik). Alles siis, kui on kootud hulk maad, saab aru, et lõng on träpsuline ja ühtlasi värviüleminekutega. Raasiku vabrikul on nimelt uus sari, kus koos pole kontrastsed värvid, vaid üleminekud on õrnad ja üldmulje on pigem tviidjas. Üleminekuid on natuke näha n-ö tabletis, tviidjas olek paistab proovilapil.
I am knitting a shawl (it will be a simple classical triangular shawl). Only after having knitted quite a bit one realizes that the yarn is a kind of melange and has a bit of variegation at the same time. The factory in Raasiku has a new series where the colours in the skein are not contrasting and transitions are smooth and the general impression is tweedy. Transitions are slightly visible in the yarn cakes and the tweediness appears on the swatch.
Täna tahtsin pildistada ja siis avastasin, et üleminekud on täiesti nähtavad. Siin on rätiku algus.
Today I wanted to take pictures and then discovered that the transitions are rather distinct. Here is the beginning of the shawl.
Ja siin on tipp.
And here is the tip.
Ilmsel saan valmis üsna varsti.
Probably I will be able to finish it quite soon.
I am knitting a shawl (it will be a simple classical triangular shawl). Only after having knitted quite a bit one realizes that the yarn is a kind of melange and has a bit of variegation at the same time. The factory in Raasiku has a new series where the colours in the skein are not contrasting and transitions are smooth and the general impression is tweedy. Transitions are slightly visible in the yarn cakes and the tweediness appears on the swatch.
Täna tahtsin pildistada ja siis avastasin, et üleminekud on täiesti nähtavad. Siin on rätiku algus.
Today I wanted to take pictures and then discovered that the transitions are rather distinct. Here is the beginning of the shawl.
Ja siin on tipp.
And here is the tip.
Ilmsel saan valmis üsna varsti.
Probably I will be able to finish it quite soon.
laupäev, 6. veebruar 2016
Sviiter/The sweater
Lõpuks sviitri pilte. Külli, suur tänu! Sviiter on tõesti soe.
Finally, some sweater pictures. Külli, many thanks! The sweater is really warm.
Lõng/Yarn: Teksrena (100 % villane/wool), 100 g/350 m, ~ 750 m
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
Finally, some sweater pictures. Külli, many thanks! The sweater is really warm.
Lõng/Yarn: Teksrena (100 % villane/wool), 100 g/350 m, ~ 750 m
Vardad/Needles: 3,5 mm
neljapäev, 4. veebruar 2016
Näitus "Moel on kaks hinge"/Exhibition "Fashion has two souls"
Sain kutse Vilve Undi näituse "Moel on kaks hinge" avamisele. Käisin eile vaatamas.
I got an invitation to Vilve Unt's exhibition "Fashion has two souls".
Vilve enda sõnul tähendavad need kaks hinge emotsionaalsust ja ratsionaalsust. Mulle meeldib tema stiil, ta on teinud erinevaid asju, ka kudumeid. Rahvast oli palju, nii et päris raske oli pildistada.
According to Vilve, these two souls mean emotions and rationality. I like her style, she has designed many different garments, including knitwear. It was a rather crowded event, so it was difficult to take pictures.
Kõik, mida nägin, oli üsna vaimustav, paneb mõtted tööle. Ka publik, kes taolistel üritustel käib, on meeldiv. Siin mina mõne rõivakomplekti taustal...
Everything I saw was rather inspiring, it puts your mind at work. Also the audience who usually comes to such events was pleasant. Here is me with some garments in the backround...
... ja siis koos tuleva moedisaineri Mariliis Niinega (kavatseme lahkuda, kuid jutt ei taha lõppeda).
I got an invitation to Vilve Unt's exhibition "Fashion has two souls".
Vilve enda sõnul tähendavad need kaks hinge emotsionaalsust ja ratsionaalsust. Mulle meeldib tema stiil, ta on teinud erinevaid asju, ka kudumeid. Rahvast oli palju, nii et päris raske oli pildistada.
According to Vilve, these two souls mean emotions and rationality. I like her style, she has designed many different garments, including knitwear. It was a rather crowded event, so it was difficult to take pictures.
Kõik, mida nägin, oli üsna vaimustav, paneb mõtted tööle. Ka publik, kes taolistel üritustel käib, on meeldiv. Siin mina mõne rõivakomplekti taustal...
Everything I saw was rather inspiring, it puts your mind at work. Also the audience who usually comes to such events was pleasant. Here is me with some garments in the backround...
... ja siis koos tuleva moedisaineri Mariliis Niinega (kavatseme lahkuda, kuid jutt ei taha lõppeda).
... and then together with a future fashion designer Mariliis Niine (we are
about to leave but the conversation does not want to finish).

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