Now something green. This is Raasiku yarn (Aade) that we dyed together with Kaja (see here). There is some 100 g of it, thus, a smal shawl is something to consider. I have not knitted triangular shawls for some time. The stitch pattern is a complete improvisation.
Nagu näha, vahelduvad erinevad rombid, päris auguline ja (peaaegu) parempidine. Nõnda talitades (1) kudumine pole igav ja (2) pind ei ole liiga üle koormatud (või vähemalt tundub nii). Lõpuks tuleb mingi ääristus ka. Ilmselt midagi väga rahulikku. Värv on juba selline, et mustriga ei tohiks liialdada.
As you can see, there is an alternation of different dimonds, very lace ones and (almost) plain stockinette ones. By doing this (1) knitting is not boring and (2) the fabric is not too much overloaded (at least it seems so now). There will be some edgeing in the end. Probably, something rather modest. The colour is demanding enough, so you should not overdo with the stitch pattern.
Aitäh kõigile, kes mohääritoppi kiitsid siin ja Ravelrys. Plaanis on kirjutada õpetus. Mõni kena inimene on nõus proovikudujaks. Aga hoiatan, et ma ei tea, kuidas kirjutada erinevatele suurustele. Kui keegi, kel pole suurus S (34-36), on nõus katsetama, oleks väga kena. Tähtis on põhimõte, sealt edasi juba saab tuletada vastava silmade arvu jne.
Thanks to those who appreciated my mohair top here and on Ravelry. I am planning to write the pattern. Some nice people kindly agreed to test-knit. But I am warning you I don't know how to write for different sizes. If someone whose size is not S (34-36, British 8-10) would agree to try, it would be extremely nice. The most important thing is the principle, then you can calculate the right number of stitches etc.
Veel midagi: täna kl 17.30 alates on kooskudumine Pronksi poes (Viru 13). Ravelrys mitmed välismaalased on avaldanud soovi eesti kudujatega kokku saada ja koos kududa. Lõngapood on selleks väga sobiv paik.
Something else: today at 17.30 we knit together in Pronksi yarnshop (Viru 13). Several foreigners visiting Tallinn have written on Ravelry that they would like to meet Estonian knitters and to knit together. There is no better place for it than a yarn shop.
5 kommentaari:
You're very talented, Anna! And will do a lot of success making your designs like the mohair top! I love your new shawl too!
Eliana, thank you, you are flattering me:) Would you test-knit the mohair top?
Juu, minä olen ilmoittautunut tänne Haminan pajaan. Toivottavasti sinäkin pääset! Yösija kyllä aina löytyy, jos ei ole kovin suuret vaatimukset. =)
Rätiku algus on väga armas!
Heli, kiitos, katsotaan, pääsenkö.
Kaja, tänan! Eks näis, lõnga pole väga palju, improvisatsiooniruumi on napilt:)
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